Wele'r fath degwch hawddgar iawn

(Hebreaid IX - Rhagoriaeth Crist ar Aaron)
Wele'r fath degwch hawddgar iawn,
A welir yn yr Iesu'n llawn!
  Rhagori mae fyrddiynau maith,
  Ar feibion Aaron yn eu gwaith.

Ei offrwm poeth a ro'i pob un,
Yn gyntaf tros ei fai ei hun;
  Ond pur oedd bywyd Iesu gwiw,
  A'i offrwm pur derbyniol yw.

Gwaed anifeiliaid yn ddiludd,
Daenellent hwy o ddydd i ddydd,
  Ond Iesu roes ei waed ei hun,
  I dynu'n beiau ni bob un.

Eu hoffeiriadaeth farwol draw,
Cyfnewid 'roedd o law i law;
  Ond offeiriadaeth Crist a'i waith,
  A saif i dragwyddoldeb maith.

Un tro yn ei flynyddol waith,
Ac nid a'i waed ei hunan chwaith,
  Yr ymddangosai Aaron hy,
  Ger bron y drugareddfa gu.

Ond Crist trwy waed
    ei fynwes gu,
Esgynodd ef i'r nefoedd fry;
  Ymddangos mae ger bron y Tad,
  Gan ddadleu gwerth ei aberth rhad.
Edward Jones 1761-1836
Gardd Eifion 1841

[Mesur: MH 8888]

(Hebrews 9 - The Superiority of Christ over Aaron)
See what very beautiful fairness
Is to be seen fully in Jesus!
  He is by vast myriads, superior
  To the sons of Aaron in their work.

His hot offering every one gave,
First for his own fault;
  But pure was the life of worthy Jesus,
  And his pur offering is acceptable.

The blood of animals untiringly,
They poured out from day to day,
  But Jesus gave his own blood,
  To take away our faults every one.

Their mortal priesthood yonder,
Exchangeable was from hand to hand;
  But the priesthood of Christ and his work,
  Shall stand for a vast eternity.

Once in his annual work,
And not with his own blood either,
  Aaron would appear boldly,
  Before the dear mercy-seat.

But Christ through the blood
    of his dear breast
He ascended to heaven above;
  He appeared before the Father,
  Pleading the worth of his free sacrifice.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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