Wrth deithio trwy yr anial cras

(Breintiau'r Teulu)
Wrth deithio trwy yr anial cras,
Cawn fyw ar fanna
      dwyfol ras;
  Mae drws trugaredd Duw o hyd
  Yn llawn agored at y byd:
  A daw y fendith yn ei phryd
    I deulu Duw.

Er lleied sydd,
      drwy'r ddaear lawr,
O ddim i dorri'n heisau mawr,
  Mae holl gyflawnder Duw ynghyd
  Yng nghadw yn ein Ceidwad drud;
  A glwydda ar Ei hedd o hyd
    Gaiff teulu Duw.

Pan ddaw y nos i dduo'r llawr,
Cawn rodio 'ngoleu
      nefol wawr:
  Yng nghwmni Duw goleuni sydd
  I'n harwain ar hyd llwybrau ffydd,
  Nes torro gwawr tragwyddol ddydd
    Ar deulu Duw.
W Evans Jones (Penllyn) 1854–1938

Tôn [88.888.4]: Castell Emlyn (J Ambrose Lloyd 1815-74)

(The Privileges of the Family)
While travelling through the arid desert,
I will get to live on the manna
      of divine grace;
  The door of God's mercy is still
  Fully open to the world:
  And the blessing will come in its time
    To the family of God.

Although it is so small,
      throughout the earth below,
From nothing to break our great need,
  All the fullness of God altogether is
  Kept in our precious Saviour;
  And to feast on His peace always
    Shall the family of God get.

When the night comes to blacken the ground,
We may get to walk in the light
       of heavenly dawn:
  In the company of God there is light
  To lead us along the paths of faith,
  Until the dawn of eternal day breaks
    Upon the family of God.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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