Wrth dy orsedd 'r wyf fi'n gorwedd, Disgwyl am y ddedwydd awr, Pryd câf glywed llais gorfoledd, Pryd câf wel'd fy meiau lawr: Ti gai enw 'r &c. Fuddugoliaeth it' dy hun. Doed dy heddwch pryd y delo, Mi ddisgwyliaf ddydd a nos; Annherfynol ydyw haeddiant, Haeddiant pur dy angau loes; Tyr'd yn fuan &c. Mae dy hedd yn fwy na'r byd. Dattod rwydau sydd heb rifo, Wedi eu taenu draw o mlaen; Llosg bob gefyn sy'n fy rhwymo, A dy ddwyfol nefol dân; Gwna i garcharor, &c. Heddyw gael ei draed yn rhydd. Heddyw yw'r dydd rwi'n ofni syrthio, Diau heddyw yw efe, Etto sefyll 'r wyf er gwaned, Trwy awdurdod mawr y Ne'; Grym i gredu, &c. 'R âf dan ofn i ben fy nhaith. Dysg y galon drist i chwerthin, Dysg i'r mudan seinio cân; Dysg yr ofnus gwan i gludo Uffern fawr i lawr o'i flaen: Tro wylofain, &c. Yn ganiadau Calfari. Mil o werin chwarddai'n loyw, Pe caent wel'd fy mhen i lawr, Gorfoleddent pe troe'r frwydr, Gadarn gyd âg uffern fawr: Dal fi i fynu, &c. Y'nghanol pwys a gwres y dydd. Bywyd perffaith yw dy gwmni, Diliau mêl yw d'heddwch drud; Gwerthfawrocach yw dy gariad Na holl berlau'r India i gyd: Gwlad o gyfoeth Yw yn unig dy fwynhau. Pryd câf :: Pan câf enw'r // Fuddugoliaeth :: enw // Y fuddugoliaeth Tyr'd yn fuan :: Dere'n fuan
William Williams 1717-91
Tôn [878747]:
gwelir: |
At thy throne I am lying, Waiting for the happy hour, When I may hear a jubilant voice, When I my see sins brought down: Thou will get the name of the Triumph thou thyself. Let thy peace come when it will, I will be expecting day and night; Interminable is the merit, The pure merit of thy throes of death; Come soon, Thy peace is more than the world. Undo the bonds which are without number, Having been spread yonder ahead; Burn every shackle which is binding me, With thy divine heavenly fire; Make a prisoner, Today get his feet free. Today is the day I am fearing falling Without doubt it is today, Still standing I am although so weak, Through the great authority of Heaven; Strength to believe, I am going under fear to my journey's end. Teach the sad heart to laugh, Teach the mute to sound a song; Teach the fearful weak to carry Great hell down before him: Lamenting will turn, To the songs of Calvary. A thousand folk would laugh brightly, If they got to see my head brought down: They would be jubilant if the battle turned, Firm with great hell: Hold me up, In the midst of the weight and heat of the day. Perfect life is thy company, Combs of honey are thy precious peace; More valuable is thy love Than all the pearls of India altogether: A land of wealth It is only to enjoy thee. :: :: :: tr. 2015,21 Richard B Gillion |