Wrth dy orsedd 'r wyf yn gorffwys/gorphwys

1,2,3,4;  1,(4),5,6,7,8.
(Da yw gobeithio, a disgwyl yn ddidaw, &c.)
Wrth dy orsedd 'r wyf yn gorphwys,
  Llefain fore a phrydnawn,
Am gael clywed llawn ddistawrwydd,
  O'm heuogrwydd tanllyd iawn:
    A thangnefedd, &c.
  Pur o mewn yn cadw ei le.

'D oes ond gras yn eitha'i allu
  Ddaw ā'm henaid idd ei le;
'Does ond unig ras a'm ceidw
  O fewn muriau'i gariad ef:
    Uwch law dyfais, &c.
  Dyn a'i allu, mae ei rym.

Llef ddrylliedig gref y croesbren
  Sydd yn abl maddeu 'mai;
Llef y croesbren sydd yn abl
  Gwneyd i'm henaid 'difarhau:
    Ar Galfaria, &c.
  Fynydd sanctaidd, mae fy ngrym.

Mi ddysgwyliaf yno'n dawel,
  Ac mi greda ryw bryd daw
Gwaredigaeth i garcharwr,
  Bur oddiyno maes o law;
    Doed pan ddelo, &c.
  Mi ddysgwyliaf nes ei ddod.

Wrth dy orsedd di mae bywyd,
  Yno cāf fi hedd a grym;
Ac ni fethodd is y nefoedd,
  Ag a geisiodd gennyt ddim,
    Minnau aflan, &C.
  Ddeuaf at orseddfa rad.

Tyr'd am hynny Iesu yn fuan,
  Sāf o blaid yr euog gwan,
Sy'n lluddedig gan gystuddiau,
  Dyfnion, trymion, y'mhob man:
    Yn dy glwyfau, &c.
  Caiff fy lloches innau fod.

Yn y ffynnon a agorwyd,
  Yn dy ystlys ar y pren,
'Rwyf fi'n dod a'm gwisg yn aflan,
  I'w chanu yno'n hyfryd wyn:
    Mi dd'of allan, &c.
  Fel yr eira ar y bryn.

Mae e'n maddeu beiau mawrion,
  Ac yn caru yn ddidrai;
A lle caro, mae ei gariad
  Yn drag'wyddol yn parhau:
    Nid oes terfyn, &c,
  Ar ei gariad, ar ei ras.
'm henaid idd ei le :: 'm henaid i i'w le
sydd yn abl :: a all hefyd
Gwneyd i'm henaid 'difarhau :: Wneuthur im edifarhau

William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [878747]:
Catherine (David Roberts 1820-72)
Hyder (Richard Ellis 1775-1855)
Islwyn (David Lewis 1828-1908)
Llanilar (alaw Gymreig)
Watford (Salmydd Genefa 1551)

Disgyn Iesu o'th gynteddoedd
Dyma Geidwad i'r colledig
Iesu rhedaf at dy orsedd
Mae fy meiau fel mynyddau

("It is good to hope and wait quietly ...")
By thy throne I am resting,
  Crying out morning and afternoon,
To get to hear full silence,
  From my very fiery guilt:
    And pure
  Peace within keep its place.

Only grace of utmost ability
  Brings my soul to its place;
On grace alone keeps me
  Within the walls of his love:
    Above the scheming
  Of man and his ability, is its power.

The strong shattered cry of the wooden cross
  Is able to forgive my fault;
The cry of the wooden cross is able
  To make my soul repent:
    On Calvary,
  The sacred mountain, is my power.

I am waiting there quietly,
  And I believe some time shall come
Deliverance for a prisoner,
  Clean out of there soon;
    Come when it will,
  I will wait until it comes.

By thy throne is life,
  There I may have peace and strength;
And it never failed under heaven,
  And which sought nothing from thee,
    Even I unclean,
  Shall come to thy gracious throne.

Come, then, Jesus, soon,
  Stand on the side of a guilty, weak one,
Who is corrupted by afflictions,
  Deep, heavy, everywhere:
    In thy wounds,
  Shall my own refuge get to be.

In the well which was opened,
  In thy side on the tree,
I am coming with my unclean clothing,
  To bleach it there delightfully white:
    I shall come out,
  Like the snow on the hill.

He is forgiving great faults,
  And loving unebbingly;
And where he loves, his love is
  Eternally enduring:
    There is no limit
  To his love, to his grace.
is able :: is able also
To make my soul repent :: To make me repent

tr. 2015,19 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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