Wrth dy ystlys wyf am aros

(Prydnawnol Weddi)
Wrth dy ystlys wyf am aros,
  Wrth dy ystlys mae fy lle;
Yn dy fynwes mae fy lletty
  Diogelaf is y ne';
    Noddfa yw, byddaf byw,
  Tan gystuddiau o bob rhyw.

Caled yw dyoddef cystudd
  Mewn anialwch maith yn hir,
Methu teimlo pur ddyddanwch,
  Addewidion Canaan dir:
    Ond fe ddaw, maes o law,
  Sypiau peraidd oddi draw.

Ffarwel oll o dan yr wybren,
  Mi wnes ddewis hyfryd wiw,
O drysorau uwch pob meddwl,
  Sy'n guddiedig yn fy Nuw;
    Fe rhydd lawr, gafod fawr,
  Pan y delo'r gyfyng awr.
yn fy Nuw :: gan fy Nuw

Casgliad o Hymnau (... ein Heglwys) Daniel Jones 1863

Tôn [8787337]: Moldavia (alaw Ellmynig)

(Evening Prayer)
By thy side I am staying,
  By thy side is my place;
In thy bosom is my safest
  Lodging under heaven;
    A refuge it is, I shall live,
  Under afflictions of every kind.

Hard it is to suffer affliction
  In a vast desert for long,
Failing to fell the pure comfort,
  Of the promises of Canaan land:
    But shall come, in a while,
  Sweet clusters from yonder.

Farewell all under the sky,
  I made a worthy, delightful choice,
Of treasures above every thought,
  Which are hidden in my God;
    He will send down, a great shower,
  When the straitened hour comes.
in my God :: by my God

tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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