Wrth feddwl am dy ryfedd waith

(Cariad Duw tuag at ddyn yn Nghrist)
Wrth feddwl am dy ryfedd waith,
  A dyfnder maith dy gariad
I eigion môr â'm henaid gwàn,
  Nes ffaelw i'r làn a dringad.

Pan elw'i chwilio'th gariad hael,
  Mae f'enaid gwael yn boddi;
Ond plygu, bellach, Arglwydd wnaf,
  Yn wastad, a'i ryfeddu,

Pa'm ceraist fi,
    d'wed un o fîl,
  O ganol hîl lygredig!
'Nol haeddiant,
    aeth fy ngwell heb lai
  I blith y rhai damnedig.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MS 8787]:
Glorious Change (<1825)
  Humble Souls (<1825)

(The love of God towards man in Christ)
On thinking about thy wonderful work,
  And the vast depth of thy love,
To an ocean see with my weak soul,
  Until failing to climb up.

When I go to seek thy generous love,
  My weak soul is drowning;
But bend, henceforth, Lord, I shall,
  Constantly, and wonder at it.

"Why chastisest thou me?"
    says one of a thousand,
  From the midst of a corrupt race!
According to merit,
    went my better no less
  Amongst the condemned ones.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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