Wŷr ieuainc a gwyryfon

Wŷr ieuainc a gwyryfon,
    blant ffyddlon Sion sydd,
O fewn i Gymru'n trigo,
    yn rhodio a'u dwylaw'n rhydd,
  Ac yn bwriadu newid
      eu cyflwr eto ar hyn,
  Clwych air neu ddau o gynghor,
      yn sobr ac yn syn;
Ni welwn yn y 'Sgrythyr
    orchmynion eglur iawn,
Am beidio ieuo â'r digred,
    rai diriaid heb ddim dawn;
  Y rheol hon dilynwn,
      a rhodiwn yn ei hol,
  Gochelwn gyfeiliornu
      wrth ddilyn ffansi ffol.

Am hyny, pwy ymyrai
    yn fawr am bethau'r byd,
Na thegwch ond fo gweddaidd,
    can's gwageddynt i gyd;
  Dyledswydd holl blant Sion,
      rhag ofn troion traws,
  Yw 'morol am gymharon
      rai union o'r un naws;
Dyledswydd gwir Gristnogion
    yn ddoethion ac yn dde,
Yw atal trachwant cnawdol,
    gelynol, gael ei le;
  A mynd at Dduw o ddifri
      i ymgyngori'n gall,
  Rhag iddynt gael eu temtio
      i ieuo â
          phlant y fall.
Dafydd Jones 1711-77


Young men and virgins,
    who are faithful children of Zion,
Dwelling within Wales,
    and walking with their hands free,
  And purposing to change
      their condition again on this,
  Hear a word or two of advice,
      soberly and amazed;
We see in the Scripture
    commandments very clear,
About not being yoked with the unbeliever,
    wicked ones without any gift;
  This rule let us follow,
      and walk according to it,
  Let us avoid wandering
      while following a foolish fancy.

Therefore, whoever would associate
    greatly with the things of the world,
Not fairness unless fitting,
    since they all prove empty;
  The duty of all the children of Zion,
      against contrary turnings,
  Is an enquiry about companions
      those upright of the same temperament;
 The true duty of Christians
      wise and right,
Is to stop fleshly, hostile
    lust, from getting its place;
  And going to God seriously
      to get wise counsel,
  Lest they get tempted
      to be yoked with
          the children of the evil one.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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