Y bore hwn trwy bura(f) hedd

Y bore hwn, trwy buraf hedd,
  Gwir sain gorfoledd sydd,
Ymhlith bugeiliaid gwael eu bri,
  Cyn iddi dorri'r dydd.

Gwrandawed pob pechadur gwan
  Sy'n plygu dan ei bla
Angylion nef,
    â'u llef yn llon,
  Yn dwyn newyddion da.

I Fethle'm Jiwda, dyma'r dydd
  Daeth newydd da o'r ne';
Duw ymddanghosodd yn y cnawd,
  Ein Brawd, yn dlawd ei le.

O! wele'r Bod sy'n dal y byd,
  Yn fud ar lîn ei fam;
Newydd ei eni'n nawdd i ddyn,
  Yn hŷn nag Abraham.

Rhyfeddwn byth,
    tra byddwn byw,
  Daioni Duw i ddyn;
Yr Iesu'n aberth roed i ni,
  Trwy nodded Tri yn Un.
buraf :: bura'
dan ei bla :: gan ei bla
I Fethle'm :: Ym Meth'lem
Jiwda :: Juda :: Iudah
dyma'r dydd :: cyn y dydd
Daeth :: Doe'r
O! wele'r Bod :: Y dwylaw bach
roed :: roes :: rhoes

John Thomas (Eos Gwynedd) 1742-1818

Tonau [MC 8686]:
Coventry Carol (alaw Seisnig)
Ebenezer New (<1829)
St Magnus (Jeremiah Clarke c.1673-1707)
Winchester Old (Salmydd Este 1592)

This morning, through purest peace,
  There is the true sound of rejoicing,
Amongst shepherds of a lowly reputation,
  Before the break of day.

Let every weak sinner hear
  Who is bending under their plague,
The angels of heaven,
    with their cheerful cry,
  Bringing good news.

For Bethlehem of Judah, here is the day
  Good news came from heaven;
God revealed himself in the flesh,
  Our Brother, poor his place.

Oh, see the Being who is holding the world,
  Mute on the knee of his mother;
Newly-born as a refuge for man,
  Older than Abraham.

Let us wonder forever,
    while ever we are alive,
  At the goodness of God to man;
Jesus as a sacrifice given to us,
  Through the protection of Three in One.
under his plague :: because of his plague
For Bethlehem :: In Bethlehem
:: ::
here is the day :: before the day
Oh, see the Being :: The little hands
given :: he gave :: he gave

tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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