Y corff a ro'ir i orwedd

(Adgyfodiad y meirw)
Y corff a ro'ir i orwedd
  Mewn llygredd yn y llawr,
Yn anllygredig godir,
  O'r bedd y bore mawr;
Y marwol hwn a wisgir
  Ag anfarwoldeb gwir,
Fel gallo gyd-fodoli,
  A Duw mewn gwynfyd pur.

Mor ddedwydd fydd y bore!
  Pa bryd y gwawria'r dydd!
Pan ddelo caethion angau
  O'i garchar oll yn rhydd?
Yn hardd ar ddelw Iesu
  O gyrhaedd pob rhyw wae,
Cānt syllu yn ei wyneb
  A'i weled fel y mae.
Cas. o dros 2000 o Hymnau (S Roberts) 1841

[Mesur: 7676D]

gwelir: Yr Iesu adgyfododd

The body that is put to lie
  In corruption in the ground,
Incorrupt shall be raised
  From the grave on the great morning;
This mortal shall be clothed
  With true immortality,
That it may co-exist,
  With God in pur blessedness.

How happy shall be the morning!
  When shall the day dawn,
When the captives of death shall come
  From its prison all free?
Beautiful in the image of Jesus
  Out of the reach of every kind of woe,
They shall get to gaze on his face
  And see him as he is.
tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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