Y cwbl a feddaf oll yn un
Y cwbl a feddai yn y byd

(Etifeddiaeth y credadyn)
Y cwbl a feddai yn y byd,
  O entrych nef i lawr,
A roed i gadw i gyd dan sêl,
  Yn haeddiant Iesu mawr:
    Dowch ac yfwch o'r bendithion,
    Sydd yn llifo fel yr afon,
    O Galfaria maes yn gysson,
      Maith gyflawnder, maith gyflawnder,
    Heb na therfyn byth na thrai.

Mae yma ffynnon sy'n glanhau,
  'R aflanaf rai a gaed;
Fe glirir pechaduriaid mawr,
  Trwy rinwedd dwyfol waed:
Dowch ac yfwch o'r bendithion,
    Sydd yn llifo fel yr afon,
    O Galfaria maes yn gysson,
      Maith gyflawnder, maith gyflawnder,
    Heb na therfyn byth na thrai.

'Rwy'n disgwyl y ddedwyddaf awr,
  Pob cadwyn fyn'd yn rhydd;
Ac mi orfoledda 'n awr,
  Wrth feddwl am y dydd:
    Dyma'r fan y gwnaf fy nhrigfan
    O fewn muriau'r nef ei hunan,
    Uwch law cyrhaedd byd a Satan,
      Dinas gadarn, dinas gadarn,
    Ar anfeidrol ddwyfol graig.

'Rwy'n trigo mewn anialwch maith,
  Gwlad galar, a gwlad gwae;
A themtasiynau ar fy nhaith,
  Sy bron a'm llwfrhau,
    Dyma'r fan y gwnaf fy nhrigfan
    O fewn muriau'r nef ei hunan,
    Uwch law cyrhaedd byd a Satan,
      Dinas gadarn, dinas gadarn,
    Ar anfeidrol ddwyfol graig.

                 - - - - -

Y cwbl a feddaf oll yn un,
  O entrych nef i lawr,
A roed i gadw i gyd dan sêl,
  Yn haeddiant Iesu mawr.

    [Dowch, ac yfwch o'r bendithion,
     Sydd yn llifo fel yr afon,
     O Galfaria maes yn gyson;
       Maith gyflawnder, maith gyflawnder,
     Heb na therfyn byth na thrai.]

Mae yma ffynnon sy'n glanhau
  Budreddi brwnt yn lân,
A hyfryd olchi'r
    ffiaidd cas,
  Yn loyw fel y gwlan.

'Does unrhyw gyflwr îs y nef,
  A glyw'd am dano sôn,
Y pwysa'i anwireddau fwy
  Na gwerthfawr waed yr Oen.

Maddeuant sy yma, perffaith lawn,
 I'r cystuddiedig rai; 
Mae'r haeddiant fry yn clirio'n lân
  Bob rhyw aneirif fai.
Maddeuant sy yma, perffaith lawn ::        
        Maddeuant rhad sydd ynddo'n llawn

William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MC 8686]:
Christchurch (<1869)
French (Salmydd Hart 1615)

Tonau [8686+8884(4)6]:
Ashley (Martin Madan 1725-90)
  Sion's Joy (<1829)

(The inheritance of the believer)
The whole that I possess in the world,
  From the vault of heaven to earth,
All be put to be kept under a seal,
  In the merit of great Jesus:
    Come ye and drink from the blessings,
    That are flowing like the river,
    From Calvary out constantly;
      A vast fullness, a vast fullness,
    Without ever limit or ebbing.

Here is a fountain that is cleansing
  The most unclean ones there were,
Great sinners are cleared,
  Through the merit of divine blood:
    Come ye and drink from the blessings,
    That are flowing like the river,
    From Calvary out constantly;
      A vast fullness, a vast fullness,
    Without ever limit or ebbing.

I am awaiting the happiest hour,
  When every chain goes free;
And I shall rejoice now,
  While thinking about the day:
    Here is the place I make my dwelling
    Within the walls of heaven itself,
    Above the reach of world and Satan,
      A firm city, a firm city,
    On the immeasurable divine rock.

I am dwelling in a vast desert,
  A land of lamenting and a land of woe;
With temptations on my journey,
  That are almost making me lose heart,
    Here is the place I make my dwelling
    Within the walls of heaven itself,
    Above the reach of world and Satan,
      A firm city, a firm city,
    On the immeasurable divine rock.

                 - - - - -

The whole that I possess all as one,
  From the vault of heaven to earth,
Be put all to keep under a seal,
  In the merit of great Jesus.

    Come ye, and drink from the blessings,
    That are flowing like the river,
    From Calvary out constantly;
      A vast fullness, a vast fullness,
    Without ever limit or ebbing.

Here is a fountain that is cleansing
  The filthiness of the dirty clean,
And delightfully washing the
    detestable enemy,
  Bright like the wool.

There is no condition under heaven,
  That mention is heard of,
Whose untruths weigh greater
  Than the precious blood of the Lamb.

Forgiveness is here, perfectly full,
  For the afflicted ones;
The merit above is clearing completely
  Every kind of innumerable fault.
Forgiveness is here, perfectly full ::        
        Free forgiveness in it is full

tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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