Y ddeddf a ddaeth trwy Moses draw

(Ioan I.17 - Rhagoriaeth Crist ar Moses)
Y ddeddf a ddaeth trwy Moses draw,
A roes y dwyfol Ior o'i law;
  Eich llygaid trowch, eneidiau trist,
I wel'd y cariad rhad a'r hedd,
Gwirionedd hefyd yr un wedd,
 A'r gras a ddaeth
     trwy Iesu Grist.

Eu gwaith a'u
    swyddau'n Eglwys Dduw
Y'nt hefyd o wahanol ryw;
  Fel gwas ufuddol, Moses fu,
Ond Crist yn Fab goruchel iawn,
A chanddo mae awdurdod lawn,
  Efe sydd arglwydd ar ei dy.

Gan hyny rho'wn ufudd-dod gwiw,
I'w lan orch'my'nion o bob rhyw,
  Oblegyd teilwng ydyw ef;
Boed moliant, ac addoliad fyth,
I'r oen a laddwyd yn ddilyth,
  Trwy'r ddaiar lawr yn awr a'r nef.

I'r hwn ddirmygai'r ddeddf ar g'oedd,
Marwolaeth ddidrugaredd oedd;
  Ond trymach damnedigaeth fydd
I'r hwn ddirmygo wir Fab Duw,
Ac aberth y cyfamod gwiw;
  Pan ddelo barn y tanllyd ddydd.
Robert Williams (Robert ap Gwilym Ddu o Eifion) 1766-1850
Gardd Eifion 1841

[Mesur: 888.888]

(John 1:17 - The Superiority of Christ over Moses)
The law came which through Moses yonder,
The divine Lord gave from his hand;
  Turn your eyes, sad souls,
To see the free love and the peace,
Truth also of the same sort,
  And the grace that came
      through Jesus Christ.

The work and their
    offices in the Church of God
Are also of a different kind;
  Like an obedient servant, Moses was,
But Christ a very superior Son,
And he has full authority,
  He is lord over his house.

Therefore let us render worthy obedience,
To his holy commandments of every kind,
  Since worthy is he;
Let there be praise, and worship forever,
To the lamb who was slain unfailingly,
  Through the earth below now and heaven.

 To him who would scorn the law publicly,
Merciless death there was;
  But heavier condemnation shall be
To him who scorns the true Son of God,
And the sacrifice of the worthy covenant;
  When the fiery day of judgment comes.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

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