Y doethion welsant seren hardd

Y doethion welsant seren hardd,
  Yn lloni'r Dwyrain dir;
At seren Iacob tywys oedd,
  A Haul Cyfiawnder pur.

'R Hwn ddysgodd seren b'le i fyn'd
  A'u dysgodd hwy'r un wedd,
I'w dilyn bellach, bant a bryn,
  Nes cael Tywysog Hedd.

Y doeth a'r annoeth, nef a llawr,
  I Fethle'm brysio maent;
Telynau'r ddeufyd roi'r mewn hwyl
  I foli am y fraint.

Ni bu'r fath gwrdd eriod o'r blaen,
  'R eithafoedd pella 'nghyd;
Cadd preseb Bethle'm fwy o fri
  Na llysoedd pena'r byd.
Casgliad o Hymnau (... ein Heglwys) Daniel Jones 1863

[Mesur: MC 8686]

The wise men saw a beautiful star,
  Cheering the Eastern land;
To the star of Jacob it was leading,
  And the pure Sun of Righteousness.

He taught the star where to go
  And taught them in the same manner,
To lead them further, hollow and hill,
  Until finding the Prince of Peace.

The wise and the unwise, heaven and earth,
  To Bethlehem hurrying they are;
The harps of the two worlds put in tune
  To praise for the privilege.

No such music was ever had before,
  The most distant extremities together;
The manger of Bethlehem got more renown
  Than the chief courts of the world.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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