Y dydd aeth heibio heddyw

The day is past and over

  Y dydd aeth heibio heddyw,
    Boed mawl, O Dduw, i Ti;
  Didrosedd yr erfyniwn,
    Boed oriau'r nos i ni;
Tro D'olwg dirion, Iesu mwyn,
A thrwy y nos sy'n cysgoda'th ŵyn.

  Am freintiau roddaist heddyw
    Dadganwn glod i Ti;
  Diogel yr erfyniwn,
    Boed oriau'r nos i ni,
Tro D'olwg dirion, Iesu mwyn,
A thrwy y nos sy'n cysgoda'th ŵyn.

  Aeth dydd a'i drallod heibio,
    Yn llawen molwn Di;
  Angylion fo yn gwylio
    Ein hun o'n hamgylch ni;
Tro D'olwg dirion, Iesu mwyn,
A thrwy y nos sy'n cysgoda'th ŵyn.

  Bydd Di'n Waredwr cadarn,
    Nid oes a ŵyr ond Ti
  Pa gyfyngderau creulawn
    Sydd yn ein haros ni;
Tro D'olwg dirion, Iesu mwyn,
A thrwy y nos sy'n cysgoda'th ŵyn.
cyf. W L Richards 1861-1920

Tôn [76768]: Emyn Hwyrol / Anatolius
    (J B Dykes 1823-1876)

  The day has passed today,
    Let there be praise, O God, to thee;
  Without transgression, we entreat thee,
    May the hours of the night be for us;
Turn thy tender gaze, gentle Jesus,
Which through the night shadows thy lambs.

  For privileges thou gavest today
    We declare acclaim to thee;
  Safe, we entreat thee,
    May the hours of the night be for us;
Tro D'olwg dirion, Iesu mwyn,
A thrwy y nos sy'n cysgoda'th ŵyn.

  The day with its trouble has passed,
    Joyfully we praise thee;
  May angels be watching
    Our sleep surrounding us;
Tro D'olwg dirion, Iesu mwyn,
A thrwy y nos sy'n cysgoda'th ŵyn.

  Be thou a strong Deliverer,
    There is no-one knows but thou
  What cruel straits
    Are awaiting us;
Tro D'olwg dirion, Iesu mwyn,
A thrwy y nos sy'n cysgoda'th ŵyn.
tr. 2023 Richard B Gillion
  The day is past and over;
    All thanks, O Lord, to Thee!
  We pray Thee that offenceless
    The hours of dark may be.
O Jesus, keep us in Thy sight,
And guard us through the coming night.

  The joys of day are over;
    We lift our hearts to Thee,
  And call on Thee that sinless
    The hours of dark may be.
O Jesus, make their darkness light,
And guard us through the coming night.

  Lord, that in death I sleep not,
    And lest my foe should say,
  "I have prevailed against him,"
    Lighten mine eyes, I pray:
O Jesus, keep me in Thy sight,
And guard me through the coming night.

  The toils of day are over;
    We raise our hymn to Thee,
  And ask that free from peril
    The hours of dark may be.
O Jesus, keep us in Thy sight,
And guard us through the coming night.

  Be Thou our souls' preserver,
    O God, for Thou dost know
  How many are the perils
    Through which we have to go.
Lord Jesus Christ, O hear our call
And guard and save us from them all.
tr. John M Neale 1818-66
Hymns of the Eastern Church 1853

from the Greek
Τὴν ἡμέραν διελθὼν
St Anatolius

Tunes [76768]:
Anatolius (J B Dykes 1823-1876)
Anatolius (Arthur A Brown 1830-1926)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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