Y dydd gorphwysodd Duw

(Y Sabboth)
Y dydd gorphwysodd Duw
  Ar ôl Ei waith;
Gorphwysfa i ninnau yw
  Tra ar ein taith:
Pan losgo'r ddear faith,
Yngyd a'i gwaith i gyd,
Cawn orphwys gyda'r Oen,
  O boen y byd.

Y dydd fendithiodd Duw
  Ym moreu'r byd;
A'r fendith fwyaf yw
  I ni o hyd:
Cyfodwn bawb ein llef
At borth y nef yn awr;
Mae'r fendith fwya'n bod
  Am ddod i lawr.

Y dydd sancteiddiodd Duw
  I bawb o'r saint;
A'i gadw'n sanctaidd yw
  Ein huchel fraint:
Y Sabboth goreu fedd
Gwlad y gorfoledd, yw
Cael aros byth yngŵydd
  Sancteiddrwydd Duw.
W Evans Jones (Penllyn) 1854–1938

Tôn [6464.6664]:
Eiriolaeth (J Ambrose Lloyd 1815-74)

(The Sabbath)
God rested on the day
  After His work;
A rest to us it is
  While on our journey:
When the vast earth burns,
Together with all its work,
We shall get rest with the Lamb,
  From the pain of the world.

God blessed the day
  In the morn of the world;
And the greatest blessing it is
  To us still:
Let us all raise our cry
To the gates of heaven now;
The greatest blessing there is
  Wants to come down.

God sanctified the day
  For all of the saints;
And to keep it holy is
  Our high privilege:
The greatest Sabbath the land
  Of rejoicing possesses, is
To get to stay forever in the presence
  Of the holiness of God.
tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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