Y [greadigaeth/grëedigaeth] gref

1,2,((3,4),5),6;  1,5,6.
(Salm CXLVIII - Mawl i Dduw gan yr holl Grëedigaeth)
  Y grëedigaeth gref,
    Pob anian a phob byw;
  Yn uchelderau'r nef,
    Yr holl angelion gwiw;
Haul, lloer, a sêr, goleuni llon,
Molwch yr Arglwydd ger ei fron.

  Molianned nef y nef,
    A'r wybren sy'n rhoi maeth,
  Ei enw sanctaidd ef;
    A'i air, o ddim, fe'u gwnaeth;
Eu cynnal mae, o oes i oes,
A chadw maent y ddeddf a roes.

  Y ddaear o bob parth,
    Yr holl ddyfnderau maith,
  Tân, cenllysg, eira, tarth,
    Gwynt cryf, yn gwneyd ei waith;
Mynyddoedd, bryniau, ffrwyth-goed byw,
Y cedrwydd uchel, molent Dduw.

  Bwystfilod, fach a mawr,
    Holl anifeiliaid byd,
  Ymlusgiaid mân y llawr,
    A'r adar hardd i gyd;
Breninoedd, pobl, a barnwyr byd,
Molent yr Arglwydd yn un fryd.

  Gwyr ieuainc, hardd eu gwedd,
    A'r holl wyryfon glân,
  Hen bobl ym min y bedd,
    Plant bach yn llon eu cân;
Clodforent enw'r Arglwydd Dduw;
Ef o bob mawredd teilwng yw.

  Ei unig enw Ef
    Yn dderchafadwy sydd;
  Uwch daear, uwch y nef,
    Hyd byrth
        ei fawredd fydd;
Efe yw nerth
    a mawl ei saint,
Pobl agos ato, mawr eu braint.
Hymnau Newyddion (Morris Davies 1796-1876)

Tôn [666688]: Swithin's (Edward Jesser)

(Psalm 148 - Praise to God by the whole Creation)
  The strong creation,
    Every soul and everyone living;
  In the heights of heaven,
    All the worthy angels;
Sun, moon, and stars, cheerful lights,
Praise the Lord before him.

  Let the heaven of heaven praise,
    And the sky which gives nourishment,
  His holy name;
    By his word, from nothing, he made them;
Upholding them he is, from age to age,
And keeping they are the law he gave.

  The earth from every region,
    The whole vast depths,
  Fire, hail, snow, mist,
    Strong wind, doing his work;
Mountains, hills, living fruit-trees,
The tall cedars, let them praise God.

  Wild beasts, great and small,
    All the world's animals,
  Reptiles small and great,
    And all the beautiful birds;
Kings, people, and the world's judges,
Let them praise the Lord with one intent.

  Young men, of handsome countenance,
    And all the pure virgins,
  Old people on the edge of the grave,
    Small children with their cheerful song;
Let them acclaim the name of the Lord God;
He of all majesty is worthy.

  His name alone
    Is to be exalted;
  Above the earth, above heaven,
    As far as the gates
        of his majesty it shall be;
His is the strength
    and praise of his saints,
People near to him, great their privilege.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion
 1   Ye boundless realms of joy,
       Exalt your Maker's frame,
     His praise your song employ
       Above the starry frame;
 2 Your voices raise, Ye cherubim
   And seraphim, To sing his praise

 3   Thou moon, that rul'st the night,
       And sun, that guid'st the day;
     Ye glitt'ring stars of light,
       To him your homage pay;
 4 His praise declare, Ye heav'ns above
   And clouds that move In liquid air.

 5   Let them adore the Lord,
       And praise his holy name,
     By whose almighty word
       They all from nothing came;
 6 And all shall last From changes free;
   His firm decree Stands ever fast.

 7   Let earth her tribute pay;
       Praise him, ye dreadful whales,
     And fish, that through the sea
       Glide swift with glitt'ring scales.
 8 Fire, hail, and snow, And misty air,
   And winds that,
       where He bids them, blow.

 9   By hills and mountains, 
       (all in grateful concert joined,)
     By cedars stately tall,
       And trees for fruit designed;
10 By every beast, And creeping thing,
   And fowl of wing, His name be blest.

11    Let all of royal birth,
        With those of humbler frame,
      And judges of the earth,
        His matchless praise proclaim.
12 In this design Let youth with maids,
   And hoary heads With children join.

13     United zeal be shown
         His wondrous fame to raise,
       Whose glorious name alone
         Deserves our endless praise.
   Earth's utmost ends His pow'r obey;
   His glorious sway The sky transcends.

14   His chosen saints to grace,
       He sets them up on high,
     And favours Israel's race
       Who still to him are nigh.
   O therefore raise Your grateful voice,
   And still rejoice The Lord to praise.
N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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