Y groes (Yw etifeddiaeth fawr fy oes)

(Rhinweddau angeu y Groes)
Y groes,
Yw etifeddiaeth fawr fy oes,
A'm grym i lynu
    dan bob loes;
  'Rwy'n gwel'd nad oes
      o dan yr haul,
Neb gaf mewn cyfyngderau dwys,
  I ddal fy mhwys, ond Adda'r Ail.

Y llen,
Oedd rhyngwyf gynt
    a'r nefoedd wen,
A rwygodd Iesu hyd y nen;
  I'r wlad uwchben fe'm harwain Ef,
I'm llon orphwysfa dringo gaf,
  I fynwes Naf o fewn y nef.

Ni ddaw
Na phoen na gofid,
    och, na braw,
I neb o'r saint yr ochr draw;
  Dont yn ei law
      i'r hyfryd wlad,
I seinio cân dragwyddol mwy,
  Am farwol glwy', ac am y gwaed.
Hymnau Hen a Diweddar (Cas. Owen Jones) 1869/91
- - - - -
(Etifeddiaeth ffydd)
Y groes
Yw etifeddiaeth fawr fy oes,
A'm grym i lynu
    dan bob loes;
  'Rwy'n gwel'd nad
      oes dan yr haul,
Neb gaf mewn cyfyngderau dwys,
  I ddal fy mhwys, ond Adda'r Ail.

Y byd,
A'i wg a'i wên,
    sydd ddrain o hyd,
O'i fewn nid oes im' noddfa glyd,
  Ond angeu drud
      bryn Calfari;
Mae yno gysgod diddos iawn,
  Maddeuant llawn a hedd yn lli'.
Cas. o dros 2000 o Hymnau (S Roberts) 1841

Tonau [288.888]:
Dorcas (David John James 1743-1831)
Glan 'r Afon (David Davies 1810-75)
Llangors (David Jenkins 1848-1915)
William (Morfydd Llwyn Owen 1892-1918)

  Braint braint (Yw cael cymdeithas gyda'r saint)
  Draw'r wlad (O'r lle'r wy'n dysgwyl llwr ryddhâd)
  Y llen (Sydd rhyngddwy'n awr â'r nefoedd wen)

(The merits of the death of the cross)
The cross,
Is the great heritage of my lifespan,
And my force to stick
    under every affliction;
  I am seeing that there is
      no-one under the sun,
That I have in dire straits,
  To hold my weight, but the Second Adam.

The curtain,
Which was formerly between me
    and the bright heavens,
Jesus tore as far as the sky;
  To the land overhead He will lead me,
To my cheerful resting-place I will climb,
  To the bosom of my Chief within heaven.

Pain nor grief, groan,
    nor terror shall come,
To anyone of the saints on yonder side;
  They shall come in his hand
      to the delightful land,
To sound an eternal song for evermore,
  For a mortal wound, and for the blood.
- - - - -
(The heritage of faith)
The cross
Is the great heritage of my lifespan,
And my force to stick
    under every affliction;
  I am seeing that there is
      no-one under the sun,
That I have in dire straits,
  To hold my weight, but the Second Adam.

The world,
With its frown and its smile,
    is always thorns,
There is within it no secure refuge for me,
  But the costly death
      of the hill of Calvary;
There is there a very sheltered shadow,
  Of full forgiveness as a flood.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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