Y mae Iesu'n ogoneddus

Y mae Iesu'n ogoneddus
  Yn ei berson hardd a mawr,
Ac mewn tegwch yn rhagori
  Ar wrthrychau pennaf llawr;
Mae angylion glân y nefoedd,
  A'r gorseddau oll o'r bron,
Yn cyhoeddi'i glod yn uchel,
  Ac yn canu iddo'n llon.

Ar ei orsedd mae'n Hanwylyd
  Fry yn nheml aur y nef,
Gwisgoedd o oleuni tanbaid,
  Disglair ydyw'r eiddo Ef;
Ar ddeheulaw'r Tad mae'n eistedd
  Yn y goruwch-leoedd mawr,
A choronau'r saint a fwrir
  Wrth ei draed bendigaid 'lawr.

Clodydd Iesu glân a genir
  Ar holl fryniau heirdd y wlad,
Uchel sain sydd gan delynau
  Aur y gwaredigol had;
"Iddo Ef, yr Hwn a'n carodd,
  Ac a'n golchodd ni yn lân,"
Dyma iaith y nefoedd uchod,
  Ar y ddaear dyma'r gân.
David Owen (Brutus) 1795-1866

Tôn [8787D]: Dusseldorf (F Mendelssohn / J Roberts)

Jesus is glorious
  In his person beautiful and great,
And in fairness exceeding
  The chief objects of earth;
The holy angels of heaven,
  And all the thrones altogether,
Are announcing his acclaim loudly,
  And singing to him cheerfully.

On his throne is our Beloved
  Up in the golden temple of heaven,
Garments of fiery, shining
  Light are those belonging to him;
At the Father's right hand he is sitting
  In the great higher places,
And the crowns of the saint are cast
  Down at his blessed feet.

The praises of holy Jesus are sung
  On all the beautiful hills of the land,
A loud sound is made by the golden
  Harps of the ransomed seed;
"Unto him, who loved us,
  And who washed us clean,"
This is the language of heaven above,
  On the earth this is the song.
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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