Y mae'r Brenin addfwyn Iesu

Y mae'r Brenin addfwyn Iesu
  Ar ei daith i Salen lân;
A'r plant bychain yn cydganu
  Eu Hosanna'n bêr eu cân.

Y mae'r dorf yn ei groesawu
  Ac yn taenu dail y palm;
A'r plant bychain yn cydganu
  Eu Hosanna'n bêr eu salm.

Y mae'r Brenin yn eu caru,
  A bendithia bawb o'r plant;
A'r rhai bychain yn cydganu
  Eu Hosanna'n bêr eu tant.

Y mae'r Brenin heddiw eto
  Ar ei daith trwy Ddinas Duw;
Seiniwn ni Hosanna iddo,
  Brenin y Brenhinoedd yw.
David Lewis (Ap Ceredigion) 1870-1948

Tonau [8787]:
Marching (Martin Shaw 1875-1958)
Shipston (alaw Seisnig)
Stuttgart (C F Witt c.1660-1716)

The gentle King Jesus is
  On his journey to holy Jerusalem;
And the little children chorussing
  Their Hosanna in their sweet song.

The crowd are welcoming him
  And spreading palm leaves;
And the little children chorussing
  Their Hosanna in their sweet psalm.

The King is loving them,
  And blessing all of the children;
And the small ones chorussing
  Their Hosanna in their sweet strain.

The King today is still
  On his journey through the City of God;
Let us sound Hosanna to him,
  The King of Kings he is.
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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