Mae yr oriau yn fy ngalw 'N ddyfal beunydd i barotöi, Tân sy'n dod ar ddinas distryw Tua Söar imi ffoi! Arglwydd, 'mafael ynwi'n fuan, Onitë ni ddeuaf byth, Tra bo'r tân yn llosgi Sodom, Yn y bryniau gwnaf fy nyth. Dianc wnes i maes o Sodom, Ar y gwastad 'rwyf yn byw, Mae fy nghefn i ar Gomorra, Fy wyneb tua gwlad fy NUW; Fynu i'r bryniau'r wyf am ddianc, Maes o sawr y mwg a'r tân; Rho dy law Dywysog bywyd, Tyn fy enaid yn y blaen. Nerth os câf, mi frysiaf mwyach, I fynu tua'm gwlad fy hun, Lle mae fy Nuw yn gwisgo'n berffaith Mewn gogoniant natur dyn: Na enwer i mi gartref bellach, Fangre arall ond y ne'; Neb yn Dad, na neb yn Briod, Neb yn Arglwydd ond efe. Yno boed fy mwyd a nïod, Dan ganghenau gwych y pren Sydd a'i wreiddyn ar y ddaear, Ei frigau yn y nefoedd wen; Dyn a'r Duwdod ynddo'n trigo, Ffrwythau arno'n tyfu'n llawn, Cysgod tano i'r ffyddloniaid, Sydd o fore hyd brydnawn. Yn dy glwyfau di mae bywyd, Dwyfol haeddiant yw fy nyth; Ni ofnai fyd, na chnawd, na phechod, Nac euogrwydd yno byth: Gwaed fy Mhriod wedi ei golli, Archoll fawr y wayw-ffon, Yw fy nghraig a'm dinas noddfa Sicr ar y ddaear hon. Gwynfyd llawn fo'n berchen arnat, Dedwydd yfo o dy hêdd, Gallant chwerthin fyth wrth weled, Cynghrair Satan, angeu, a'r bêdd; Nid oes ofn rwy' yn crechwenu, Nid yw angeu ddim ond hûn, I'r aneirif dorf a brynodd, Yr hwn a wisgodd natur dyn.
Tonau [8787D]:
gwelir: |
The hours are calling me Diligently, daily, to prepare, Fire is coming on the city of destruction Towards Soar for me to flee! Lord, take hold of me quickly; Lest I never come: While the fire burns Sodom, In the hills I will make my nest. Escape I did out from Sodom, On the plain I am living, My back is towards Gomorrah, My face towards the land of my GOD; Up into the hills I want to escape, Out of the smell of the smoke and fire; Give thy hand Prince of life, Pull my soul forwards. If I get strength I will hurry further, Up towards my own land, Where my God is dressed perfectly, In the glory of the nature of man: Not to be called home for me henceforth, Is any other premises but Heaven, No-one Father, nor anyone Spouse, None Lord but he. There let my food and drink be, Under the marvellous branches of the tree Which has its roots on the earth, Its twigs in the blessed heavens; Man and the Godhead in it are dwelling, Fruits on it growing full, Shade under it for the faithful, Is from morning until evening. In thy wounds is life, Divine merit is my nest; It would not fear world, nor flesh, nor sin, Nor guilt there ever: My Spouse's blood having been shed, The great gash of the spear, Is my rock and my city of refuge Secure on this earth. Fully blessed be being a possessor of thee, Happy be drinking of thy peace, They may laugh forever on seeing The league of Satan, death, and the grave; There is no fear, I am guffawing, Death is nothing but sleep, To the innumerable crowd which he bought, He who wore the nature of man. tr. 2013,14 Richard B Gillion |
Ev'ry Hour doth call, "Be ready, Haste to Zoar, there to remain; Fire and Brimstone hover over All the Cities of the Plain." Snatch me from the Conflagration, Jesus, draw me by the Hand, Lest I love my ancient Dwelling, And transgress thy great Command.