Y seithfed angel bloeddied ef

Let the seventh angel sound on high

(Teyrnasoedd y Byd yn dyfod yn Deyrnasoedd
yr Arglwydd; neu, Ddydd y Farn, Dat. xi. 15.)
Y seithfed angel bloeddied ef,
A'i lais a glywer
    tryw'r holl nef;
  Brenhinoedd daear o bob rhyw
  Rhowch eich teynasoedd fynu i Dduw.

Cymmer dy nerth mawr i'th law,
'R hwn oe't, ac wyt, ac etto ddaw;
  Iesu yr Oen a laddwyd yw,
  Boed iddo byth deyrnasu a byw.

Cenhedloedd llidiog rhuo maent,
Na's gallant mwyach ladd y saint;
  Ar edyn dial hed ein Duw
  I dalu'r gwaed, hen ddyled yw.

'Nawr rhaid i'r meirw godi i gyd,
'Nawr clywir barnddiwedda'r byd,
  'Nawr y caiff holl ferthyron Duw
  Dderbyn trag'wyddol wobor wiw.
cyf. Dafydd Jones 1711-77
Hymnau a Chaniadau Ysprydol 1775

[Mesur: MH 8888]

(The Kingdoms of the World becoming the Kindgoms
of the Lord; or The Day of Judgment, Rev. 11:15.)
The seventh angel, let him shout,
And his voice be heard
    throughout all heaven;
  Kings of the earth of every kind,
  Render your kingdoms up to God.

Take thy great strength into thy hand,
Thou who wast, and art, and yet to come;
  Jesus is the Lamb who was killed,
  Let him forever reign and live.

Wrathful nations are roaring,
They can no longer kill the saints;
  On wings of retribution our God flies
  To repay the blood, an old debt it is.

Now the dead must all rise,
Now the world's last judgment is heard,
  Now all the martyrs of God may
  Receive a worthy eternal prize.
tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion
(The Seventh Angel Sounded.
Revelation 11:15)
Let the seventh angel sound on high,
Let shouts be heard
    through all the sky;
  Kings of the earth, with glad accord,
  Give up your kingdoms to the Lord.

Almighty God, thy power assume,
Who wast, and art, and art to come:
  Jesus, the Lamb who once was slain,
  For ever live, for ever reign!

The angry nations fret and roar,
That they can slay the saints no more
  On wings of vengeance flies our God,
  To pay the long arrears of blood.

Now must the rising dead appear;
Now the decisive sentence hear;
  Now the dear martyrs of the Lord
  Receive an infinite reward.
Isaac Watts 1674-1748

Tune [LM 8888]:
    Hesperus/Quebec (Henry Baker 1835-1910)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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