Yn llys y nef bu llef ddilyth

(Dadl y Nef)
Yn llys y nef
    bu llef ddilyth,
Wnaeth gynhwrf byw
    na dderfydd byth,
  Pa rai o'r gwaredigol had
  Oedd fwya'n nyled cariad rhad.

'Roedd yno rai
    o'r cryd a'r bru
Am ganu'n llon
    uwch pawb o'r llu,
  Am gael eu dwyn
      i deyrnas ne'
  Cyn gwel'd na chlywed
      am y lle.

Ond ereill ga'dd hwy oes i fyw,
Fu'n hir dristâu Glân Ysbryd Duw,
  A fynent ganmol uwch pob rhai
  Y gras faddeuodd
      eu holl fai.

Fel tyrfa hňnent, bawb ar dân,
"Fy nhelyn i sy ddechreu'r gân!"
  Pob un â'i ble
      trwy'r nefol blas,
  "Myfi sy ddyfna'n nyled gras!"

Ymdrechent am
    y gwycha'u gwawr,
Pwy blygai isaf,
    lwyraf, lawr;
  Pob cerddor mwyn gyhoeddai maes
  Ryfeddol wyrthiau dwyfol ras.
Cas. o Hymnau ... Wesleyaidd 1844
             - - - - -
(Rhan I)
Yn llys y nef
    bu llef ddilyth,
Wnaeth gynhwrf byw
    na dderfydd byth,
  Pa rai o'r gwaredigol had
  Oedd fwya'n nyled cariad rhad.

'Roedd yno rai
    o'r crŷd a'r bru
Am ganu'n llon
    uwch pawb drwy'r llu,
  Am gael eu dwyn
      i'r porthladd pur,
  Cyn gwel'd na cheisio hwn yn wir.

Ac ereill ga'dd hwy oes i'w rhan,
Cyn gado hyn o dywyll fan,
  A fynent foli uwch pob rhai
  Y gras faddeuodd aml fai.
Cas. o dros 2000 o Hymnau (S Roberts) 1841

Tôn [MH 8888]: Croydon (<1876)

  Rhan II - Fel câd mewn blys doent yn y blaen

(The Plea of Heaven)
In the court of heaven
    was an unfailing cry,
Which made a living commotion
    which shall never die away,
  Which of the dispersed seed
  Was in greatest debt to free love?

There were some there
    from the cradle and the womb
Wanting to sing cheerfully
    louder than all of the host,
  About getting led
      to the kingdom of heaven
  Before seeing or hearing
      about the place.

But others who got a life-time to live,
Who long had saddened God's Holy Spirit,
  Who insisted on praising above all those
  The grace which forgave
      their whole fault.

As a throng they claimed, all on fire,
"My harp is the beginning of the song!"
  Every one with his place
      throughout the heavenly zest,
  "'Tis I who am deepest in debt to grace!"

They contested for
    whose dawn was brightest,
Who would bow lowest,
    most completely, down;
  Every noble musician would publish openly
  The amazing wonders of divine grace.
                 - - - - -
(Part 1)
In the court of heaven
    was an unfailing cry,
Which made a living commotion
    which shall never die away,
  Which of the delivered seed
  Was in greatest debt to free love?

There were there some
    from the cradle and the womb
Who wanted to sing cheerfully
    louder than all throughout the host,
  About getting brought
      to the pure harbour,
  Before seeing or seeking this truly.

And other who got an age to their portion,
Before leaving that dark place,
  Who insisted on praising above all those
  The grace which forgave many a fault.
tr. 2022 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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