Yn nhrefn dy lân ragluniaeth

Yn nhrefn dy lân ragluniaeth,
  Ti wyt, O! Dduw, gerllaw,
A'th ddarpariadau helaeth
  Eglura nerth dy law;
Ti wnei i'r holl dymhorau,
  Y gwynt, y glaw, a'r gwres,
Er llwyr gyflawni'n heisiau,
  Weinyddu er ein lles.

Trwy'r holl flynyddoedd meithion
  Dihidlaist ar ein gwlad
Gawodydd o fendithion,
  O drysor mawr dy rad;
O! dysg in dy gydnabod
  Trwy oes o foliant llawn,
Nes cael mewn oes ddiddarfod
  Dy ogoneddu'n iawn.

Boed clod a mawl yn unfryd
  Trwy'r byd a'r nefoedd lân,
I'r Tad, a'r Mab, a'r Ysbryd,
  Y Drindod ddiwahân;
O oesoedd annherfynol,
  Y mae yn Un yn awr,
Bydd felly'n annewidiol
  I dragwyddoldeb mawr.
William Morgan (Penfro) 1846-1918

Tôn [7676D]: Oxwich (T R Matthews 1826-1910)

In the plan of thy holy providence,
  Thou art, O God, at hand,
And thy vast provisions
  Make evident the strength of thy hand;
Thou makest all the seasons,
  The wind, the rain, and the warmth,
For the complete fulfilment of our needs,
  Serve for our benefit.

Through all the vast years
  Thou didst distil upon our land
Showers of blessings,
  From the great treasure of thy grace;
O teach us to recognize thee
  Through an age of full praise,
Until getting in an undying age
  To glorify thee aright.

May acclaim and praise be of one intent
  Throughout the world and holy heaven,
To the Father, and the Son, and the Spirit,
  The undivided Trinity;
From unending ages,
  He is the same One now,
Shall be thus unchanging
  For a great eternity.
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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