Yn Nuw gobeithia f'enaid mwy

(Diwedd y duwiol a'r annuwiol
- Salm xxxvii. 34,37-40.)
Yn Nuw gobeithia, f'enaid mwy,
  A chadw'i lwybrau'n gywir;
Ac ef a'th gwyd i'r lan i'r nen,
  Pan syrthio pen yr anwir.

Ystyria di, medd Duw, fel hyn,
  Yr uniawn yn ddiduedd;
A thi gei wel'd y cyfryw ddyn,
  Mai'i derfyn fydd tangnefedd.

Ond gwêl y rhai mewn bai sy'n byw,
  Ynghŷd i ddistryw cwympant;
Annuwiol blant y byd i gyd
  I ddiwedd enbyd deuant.

I'r cyfiawn iechyd
    rhydd Duw Nêr,
  A nerth yn amser cyffro;
Fe'u cymmorth, ac o'r
    drwg fe'u tyn,
  A hyn am gredu ynddo.
Cas. o Psalmau a Hymnau (D Rees) 1831

[Mesur: MS 8787]

gwelir: Cred yn yr Arglwydd a gwna dda

(The end of the godly and the ungodly
- Psalm 37:34,37-40.)
In God hope, my soul, evermore,
  And keep his paths truly;
And he shall raise thee up to the sky,
  When the head of the untrue falls.

Consider thou, says God, thus,
  The upright unbiased;
And thou shalt get to see such a man,
  That his end shall be peace.

But see those who are living in sin,
  Together to destruction they shall fall;
All the ungodly children of the world
  To a perilous end they shall come.

To the righteous, health
    shall God the Lord give,
  And strength in a time of upheaval;
He shall help them, and from
      the evil he shall pull them,
  And this for believing in him.
tr. 2024 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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