Yn nyfnder moroedd mawrion

(Ymostyngiad i Drefn Duw)
Yn nyfnder moroedd mawrion
  Mae ffyrdd fy Arglwydd Dduw;
Er hynny doeth a sanctaidd
  A rhyfedd berffaith yw;
Y tonnau sy debycaf
  O suddo f'enaid gwan,
A'm taflant bob yn ronyn
  I'm cartref, hyfryd fan.

Am hyn boed f'ysbryd egwan
  Yn isel wrth dy draed,
Yn syn ryfeddu mawredd
  Yr iachawdwrieth rad;
A'm calon i'th ewyllys
  Fo'n plygu ym mhob man,
Nes it fy nwyn o'r diwedd
  O'r cystudd mawr i'r lan.

Na ad im edrych gormod
  Ar ddim sydd yn y byd:
Mae hwn yn myned heibio,
  A'i degwch oll i gyd;
Trysorau'r nefoedd uchod
  Fo'n bleser imi mwy,
A chanaf wrth fynd adref
  Am Grist a'i farwol glwy'.

           - - - - -

Yn nyfnder moroedd mawrion
  Mae ffordd fy Arglwydd Dduw,
Er hyny doeth a santaidd,
  A rhyfedd dirion yw:
Y ṭnau sydd debycaf
  I suddo'm henaid gwan,
Sydd yn fy nhaflu nesaf
  Tuag at y nefol làn.

Na foed im' edrych gormod
  Ar ddim sydd yn y byd,
Mae hwn yn myned heibio,
  A'i degwch oll i gyd;
Trysorau'r nefoedd uchod
  Fo'n bleser i mi mwy,
A chanaf wrth fyn'd adref
  Am Grist a'i farwol glwy'.
Morgan Jones 1768-1835

Tonau [7676D]:
Leyden (<1875)
Llan-Llwch (David Richards 1880-1950)
Llandaff (<1875)

(Submission to the Providence of God)
In the depth of great seas
  Are the ways of my Lord God;
Despite that, wise and sacred
  And wonderfully perfect he is;
The waves are likely
  To sink my weak soul,
Are flinging me little by little
  To my home, a delightful place.

Therefore may my weak spirit
  Be lowly at thy feet,
In surprise, wondering at the greatness
  Of the free salvation;
And may my heart to thy will
  Be bending in every place,
Until thou bring me at last
  Up from the great tribulation.

Do not let me look too much
  On anything that is in the world:
This is passing,
  And all its fairness altogether;
May the treasures of heaven above
  Be a pleasure to me evermore,
And I shall sing while going home
  About Christ and his mortal wound.

               - - - - -

In the depth of great seas
  Is the way of my Lord God;
Despite that, wise and sacred
  And wonderfully gentle it is;
The waves that are likely
  To sink my weak soul,
Are flinging me nearer
  To the heavenly shore.

May I not look too much
  On anything that is in the world:
This is passing,
  And all its fairness altogether;
May the treasures of heaven above
  Be a pleasure to me evermore,
And I shall sing while going home
  About Christ and his mortal wound.
tr. 2022 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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