Yn nyfnder pob cyfyngder du

(Goglud ar Grist)
Yn nyfnder pob cyfyngder du,
  Bydd Iesu o fy mlaen;
Os caf dy nawdd a'th gwmni di,
  Nid ofnaf ddw'r na thân.

O gwna i'm calon redeg trwy
  Oll atat ti dy hun;
Na foed difyrwch genyf mwy
  Mewn daear, da, na dyn.

Mi rof f'ymddiried ynddo ef
  Mae'n noddfa gref i'r gwan;
Ac er y curo o bob tu,
  Fe ddeil fy mhen i'r làn.
William Williams 1717-91

[Mesur: MC 8686]

  Pan byddo f'Arglwydd i mi'n rhoi
  'Rwy'n morio tua chartre'm Nêr
  Yn nyfnder profedigaeth ddu

(Dependence on Christ)
In the depth of every black strait,
  Jesus will be before me;
If I get thy protection and thy company,
  I will fear neither water nor fire.

O make my heart run through
  All towards thee thyself;
Let me have no interest any more
  In earth, goods, nor man.

I will put my trust in him
  He is a strong refuge to the weak;
And despite the beating from every side,
  He will keep my head up.
tr. 2013 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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