Yn rhad ('R wy'n disgwyl rywbryd gael iachâd)

(Iechydwriaeth trwy'r Aberth)
    Yn rhad
'R wy'n disgwyl rywbryd gael iachâd,
Er mwyn yr aberth
      mawr a gaed;
  Dyrchafu'r gwaed a fydd fy ngwaith
  I oesoedd dirifedi'r gwlith,
  Os dof fi byth
        i ben fy nhaith.

    Yr Oen
Aeth dàn fy menyd i a'm poen,
Ni thawaf byth am dano a sôn;
  Ei gariad tirion fydd fy nghân
Am achub un mor wael ei lun,
  A'm tỳnu Ei Hun
        o'r gynneu dân.
1: Casgaliad y Trefnyddion Calfinaidd yn Siroedd y De, 1841.
2: Dafydd Jones 1711-77

Tonau [288.888]:
Aberdeen (<1869)
Tydvil (Tom Price 1857-1925)

  Mae mae (Y dydd yn d'od i'r duwiol rai)
  Yn lle [yn lle] (Pob perchen enaid dan y ne')

(Salvation through the Sacrifice)
I am expecting sometime to obtain salvation,
For the sake of the great
      sacrifice which there was;
  To exalt the blood shall be my work
  To ages innumerable as the dew,
  If I come at last
        to the end of my journey.

    The Lamb
Underwent my penalty and my pain,
I will not be silent about him and tell;
  His tender love shall be my song
About saving one so poor his condition,
  And pulling me Himself
        from the blazing fire.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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