Yn Seion yr harddwych adeilad

(Adfywiad Crefydd)
Yn Seion, yr harddwych
  Rhyfeddol adfywiad a fo;
Helaethed ein Iesu deyrnasiad
  Ei ras a'i fawr
      gariad ar go':
Holl lwythau y ddaear a ddelo,
  Dan wylo, i 'mofyn am Dad,
Gan blygu mewn gwir edifeirwch
  I dderbyn yr heddwch sy'n rhad.

Os dyn sydd yn llawn o dywyllwch,
  Perffeithrwydd o degwch yw Duw;
Gall drechu holl rym
    ei elynion -
  Ei air a wna feirwon yn fyw:
Os dyn dan archollion truenus,
  Mewn cyflwr gwylofus sy'n glaf,
Iachêir ei alarus flinderoedd,
  A'i wendid, yn
      nerthoedd Duw Naf.
Cas. o Hymnau ... Wesleyaidd 1844

Tôn [9898D]: Elliot (John Ellis 1760-1839)

(The Revival of Religion)
In Zion, the brilliantly
    beautiful building,
  May there be a wonderful revival;
May our Jesus extend the reign
  Of his grace and his great
      love in memory:
May all the tribes of the earth come,
  Weeping, to ask for a Father,
While bowing in true repentance
  To receive the peace which is free.

If a man is full of darkness,
  The perfection of fairness is God;
He can overcome all the force
    of his enemies -
  His word will make the dead alive:
If a man under wretched wounds,
  In a lamentable condition, is sick,
His mournful griefs shall be healed,
  And his weakness, in the
      strengths of God the Lord.
tr. 2022 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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