Yn y dechreuad roedd y Gair

(Y Gair tragwyddol)
Yn y dechreuad roedd y Gair,
  Cyn gwneuthur pedair elfen;
A chyda Duw mawr byw mewn bod,
  Cyn gosod rhod yr haulwen.

Duw oedd y Gair, Anwyl-Air Nêr,
  Sef holl gyflawnder Duwdod;
A thrwyddo gwnaethpwyd
    pob peth sydd,
  Neu fydd ryw dydd i ddyfod.

Goleuni'r byd - Haul ydw ef,
  O'r nef sydd yn gwresogi:
I bob rhyw ddyn ar fôr a thir,
  Mae'n rhoddi gwir oleuni.
John Williams c.1778-1865
Casgliad o Hymnau (y Wesleyaid) 1817

[Mesur: MS 8787]

(The eternal Word)
In the beginning was the Word,
  Before four elements were made;
And with great living God in being,
  Before the sun's vault was set.

God was the Word, the Lord's Dear-Word,
  That is all the fullness of Godhead;
And through him was made
    everything that is,
  Or shall be some day to come.

Light of the world - a Sun is he,
  Which is from heaven giving heat:
To every kind of man on sea and land,
  He is giving true light.
tr. 2023 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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