Ynghanol gwlad Jiwdea dlos

Ynghanol gwlad Jiwdea dlos
  Yr oedd bugeiliaid glân
Yn aros yn y maes liw nos,
  I wylio'r defaid mân;
Proffwydol gerddi Seion gu
  Gydganent ar y llawr,
I ysgafnhau y cyfnos du
  Gan ddisgwyl toriad gwawr.

Ar amnaid o uchelder nef
  Dynesai angel gwyn,
Ac mewn disgleideb safai ef
  O flaen eu llygaid syn;
Dywedai, "Dwyn newyddion da
  Yr wyf i ddyno-ryw,
Fe aned i chwi Geidwad rhad,
  Sef Crist yr Arglwydd Dduw."

Ac ebrwydd unai nefol lu
  Mewn hyfryd gytgan bêr,
Nes seinio moliant ar bob tu
  O'r ddaear hyd a sêr;
"Gogoniant yn y nefoedd fry
  I Dduw'r goruchaf Un;
Tangnefedd ar y ddaear ddu,
  Ewyllys da i ddyn."

Rhoed newydd dant yn nhelyn nef,
  Pan aned Iesu Grist;
A thelyn aur o lawen dôn
  Yn llaw pechdur trist.
Telynau'r nef sy'n canu'n awr,
  "Ewyllys da i ddyn";
A chaned holl delynau'r llawr
  Ogoniant Duw'n gytûn.
Ellis Roberts (Elis Wyn o Wyrfai) 1827-95

Tôn [MCD 8686D]: Ynghanol Gwlad Jiwdea Dlos (<1962)

In the middle of the pretty land of Judea
  Were honest shepherds
Staying in the fields at night,
  To watch over the little flock;
The prophetic verses of dear Zion
  They would chorus on the ground,
To lighten the black gloom
  While awaiting the break of dawn.

At the beckoning of the height of heaven
  A white angel approached,
And in radiance he stood
  Before their surprised eyes;
He said, "Bringing good news
  I am to human-kind,
Born to you is a gracious Saviour,
  That is Christ the Lord God."

And suddenly a heaven host united
  In a delightful sweet chorus,
Until sounding praise on every side
  From the earth as far as the stars;
"Glory in the heavens above
  To God the highest One;
Peace on the black earth,
  Good will to man."

A new string was put on heaven's harp,
  When Jesus Christ was born;
And a golden harp of a cheerful tune
  In the hand of a sad sinner.
The harps of heaven are singing now,
  "Good will to man";
And let all the harps of the earth below
  Sing the glory of God in agreement.
tr. 2022 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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