Yr Arglwydd a feddwl amdanaf

(Am iddo synio arnaf)
Yr Arglwydd a feddwl amdanaf,
  A dyna fy nefoedd am byth;
Yng nghysgod yr orsedd gadarnaf
  Mae'n ddigon i'r
      gwannaf gael nyth;
Cyn duo o'r
    cwmwl tymhestlog
  Ei adain sy'n cuddio fy mhen;
Caf noddfa'n ei fynwes drugarog
  Pan siglo colofnau y nen.

Fy Arglwydd sy'n gwisgo y lili,
  Mae'n cofio aderyn y to;
Cyn pallo'i anfeidrol dosturi
  Rhaid gollwng Calfaria dros go'.
Os Duw sydd ar f'enaid ei eisiau,
  Mae eisiau fy enaid ar Dduw:
O gariad heb ddiwedd na dechrau,
  Ar gariad mor rhyfedd 'rwy'n byw.
Howell Elvet Lewis (Elfed) 1860-1953
Y Caniedydd Cynulleidfaol 1895

Tonau [9898D]:
Eirinwg (D Emlyn Evans 1843-1913)
Hen Ddarbi (alaw Gymreig/Seisnig)

(Since he thought of me)
'Tis the Lord who thinks about me
  And that is my heaven forever;
In the shadow of the most secure throne
  There is sufficient for the
      weakest to get a nest;
Before the blackening of the
    tempestuous clouds
  His wings are covering my head;
I get my refuge in his merciful breast
  When the pillars of the sky shake.

'Tis my Lord who is clothing the lily,
  He remembers the sparrow;
Before his immeasurable mercies fail
  Calvary must be lost from memory.
If God is what my soul wants,
  God wants my soul:
O love without end or beginning,
  On love so wonderful I am living.
tr. 2024 Richard B Gillion
O grant Lord the vision resplendent
tr. Daniel Hughes

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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