Yr Arglwydd Goruchaf yw Mugail

(Salm XXIII)
Yr Arglwydd Goruchaf yw Mugail,
 Ni phrofaf nag
     eisieu na gwall,
Caf orwedd ar làn dyfroedd tawel,
  Mewn gwelltog borfäoedd di-wall;
Fe ddychwel fy enaid crwydredig,
  Fe'm ceidw,
      fe'm cynnal a'i law,
Fe'm harwain 'r'hyd llwybrau cyfiawnder,
  Ni bydd arnaf bryder na braw.

Pe rhodiwn 'r'hyd glyn
    cysgod angeu,
  Nid ofnwn ddim niwed na nam,
Fy Mugail gofalus a'm gwyliai,
  I'm tywys a'm harwain bob cam;
Ei wialen a'i ffon a'm cysurant,
  Ni theimlwn un arswyd i'm bron,
Pob bwystfil 'sglyfaethus a gilia
  Pan welant y wialen a'r ffon.

Arlwya im' ford o ddanteithion
  Yn ngŵydd fy ngelynion dig iawn,
Ag olew, fy mhen a eneinia,
  Fy phiol o hyd fydd yn llawn;
Ei ras a'i ddaioni'm canlynant
  Bob amser caf
    lawnder di-lyth,
A minnau'n ddiogel breswyliaf
  Yn nghafell ei babell Ef byth.
William Rees (Gwilym Hiraethog) 1802-83

Tôn [9898D]: Bethel (alaw Gymreig)

(Psalm 23)
The Lord Most High is my Shepherd,
  I shall experience neither
      want nor failure,
I may lie on the bank of quiet waters,
  In grassy unfailing pastures;
He returns my wandering soul,
  He keeps me,
      he supports me with his hand,
He leads me along paths of righteousness,
  I shall have neither anxiety nor terror.

If I were to walk along the vale
    of the shadow of death,
  I would fear no harm nor hurt,
My caring Shepherd would watch over me,
  To guide me and lead me every step;
His rod and his staff shall comfort me,
  I would feel no horror at all,
Every ravenous beast shall retreat
  When they see the rod and the staff.

He provisions my table with delicacies
  In the presence of my very angry enemies,
With oil, my head he anoints,
  My vessel shall always be full;
His grace and his goodness shall follow me
  All the time I shall have
      unfailing fulness,
And I shall reside safely
  In the cell of his tent forever.
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion
1 The Lord himself, the mighty Lord,
    vouchsafes to be my guide;
  The shepherd, by whose constant care
    my wants are all supplied.

2 In tender grass he makes me feed,
    and gently there repose;
   Then leads me to cool shades, and where
    refreshing water flows.

3 He does my wand'ring soul reclaim,
    and, to his endless praise,
  Instruct with humble zeal to want
    in his most righteous ways.

4 I pass the gloomy vale of death,
    from fear and danger free;
  For there his aiding rod and staff
    defend and comfort me.

5 In presence of my spiteful foes
    he does my table spread,
  He crowns my cup with cheerful wine,
    with oil anoints my head.

6 Since God does thus his wondrous love 
    through all my life extend,
  That life to him I will devote,
    and in his temple spend.
N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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