Yr awrhon O fy Nuw fy Naf

Yes from this instant now I will

(Ymofyniad Gwrthgiliwr)
Yr awrhon, O fy Nuw, fy Naf,
Er im' dy ddigio, llefain wnaf;
  Pechadur mwyaf ydwyf fi,
  Ond caru maddeu'r ydwyt ti!
Er mor annheilwng wyf, O Dad,
Yn awr anturiaf at dy draed.

F'Arweinydd fuost
    drwy fy oes,
A chymhorth im'
    dan bob rhyw loes;
  Mewn llawer awr o aeth a braw,
  Tydi a'm cedwaist yn dy law;
Ac oni wnei fy ngharu mwy?
A raid im' farw dan fy nghlwy'?

A all dy galon dyner di
Fy rhoddi fyny, Brynwr cu?
  'Raid imi farw yn fy ngwaed?
  Marw, er gorwedd wrth dy draed!
A raid im' fyn'd o'th wyddfod byth,
A marw i oesoedd rif y gwlith!

Gan iti ' ngalw adre'n ol,
Caf eto le'n dy gynhes gôl;
  Ni throi di ymaith mo fy nghŵyn,
  Bu'r Iesu farw er fy mwyn:
Ac er ei fwyn, O maddeu mai!
Dy hyfryd waith yw trugarhau.
cyf. Cas. o Hymnau ... Wesleyaidd 1844

Tôn [888888]: Bremen (Georg Neumark 1621-81)

(The Self-examination of a Backslider)
This hour, O my God, my Lord,
Although I anger thee, cry out I shall;
  The greatest sinner am I,
  But loving to forgive art thou!
Although so unworthy I am, O Father,
Now I will venture to thy feet.

My Leader thou hast been
    throughout my life,
And a help to me
    under every hour of anguish;
  In many an hour of pang and terror,
  Thou didst keep me in thy hand;
And wilt thou not love me evermore?
And must I die under my wound?

And can thy tender heart
Give me up, dear Redeemer?
  Must I die in my blood?
  Die, despite lying at thy feet!
And must I go from thy presence forever,
And die for ages numerous as the dew!

Since thou callest me back home,
Again I may get a place in thy warm bosom;
  Turn thou not my complaint away,
  Jesus died for my sake:
And for his sake, O forgive my sin!
Thy delightful work is to show mercy.
tr. 2023 Richard B Gillion
(The Backslider's Resolve)
Yes, from this instant now I will
To my offended father cry;
  My base ingratitude I feel,
  Vilest of all thy children, I,
Not worthy to be called thy son;
Yet will I thee my father own.

Guide of my life
    hast thou not been,
And rescued me
    from passion's power?
  Ten thousand times preserved from sin,
  Nor let the greedy grave devour?
And wilt thou now thy wrath retain,
Nor ever love thy child again?

Ah, canst thou find it in thy heart
To give me up, so long pursued?
  Ah, canst thou finally depart,
  And leave thy creature in his blood?
Leave me, out of thy presence cast,
To perish in my sins at last?

If thou hast willed me to return,
If weeping at thy feet I fall,
  The prodigal thou wilt not spurn,
  But pity, and forgive me all,
In answer to my Friend above,
In honour of his bleeding love!
Charles Wesley 1707-88
Hymns and Sacred Poems 1742

Tune [88.88.88]: Bremen (Georg Neumark 1621-81)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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