Yr haul fel cerbyd tanllyd maith

My God who makes the sun to know

(Cân brydnawnol)

Yr haul fel cerbyd tanllyd maith,
  A rêd i'w daith, fendithfawr,
Hyd hwyrol bryd, pan â dan gêl,
  O'r dawel, isel laswawr,

Ac fel yr haul ar ufel rôd,
  Dymunwn fod yn ffyddlawn;
Ar ffordd dyledswydd, bob rhyw dro,
  Fy enaid a f'o uniawn!

Duw gwared fi, rhag treilio'n groes
  Holl foreu f'oes ar faswedd;
Ond ufuddhau i'th air, bob cam -
  Myfyrio am dy fawredd.

Na b'o'n fy nghalon, dirion Dad,
  Ond dwyfol had yn tyfu:
Myfyrdod sanctaidd, nefol serch,
  A'm traserch at air Iesu.

Golch fi, mewn ffynnon fawr ddi drai,
  Oddiwrth fy mai'n fy mwywyd:
Dod ras i'th deg wasanaethu di,
  A chalon ddifecheulyd.

Pob mawl i'th enw'n deilwng sydd,
  Am nerth, y dydd aeth heibio;
Dod ras, i arwain bywyd pur,
  Mewn natur egwan etto.

O dan dy nodded di dy hun
  Y rhoddaf hûn i'm llygad;
Gâd imi'r boreu godi'n bur,
  I gofio'th gur a'th gariad.

Boed, rhag holl ddeiliaid
    uffern ddu
  Anglaidd lu'n fy ngwylio;
Nes i ogoniant Prynwr byd
  O dirion eilfyd wawrio!
cyf. David Thomas (Dafydd Ddu o Eryri) 1759-1822
Corph y Gaingc 1810

[Mesur: MS 8787]

(Evening Song)

The sun like a vast fiery chariot,
  Runs to its journey, greatly blessing,
Until evening time, when it goes hidden,
  From the quiet, low blue-green-hued sky.

And like the sun on a fiery orbit,
  I would ask to be faithful;
On the road of duty, every kind of turn,
  May my soul be upright!

God deliver me, from spending myself across
  All the morning of my age in frivolity;
But obedience to thy word, every step -
  Meditating on thy majesty.

Let not my heart be, tender Father,
  But a divine seed growing:
Sacred meditation, heavenly affection,
  And my passion for the word of Jesus.

Wash me, in a great, unebbing fount,
  From my fault in my life:
Give grace fairly to serve thee,
  With an unspotted heart.

All praise to thy name is fitting,
  For strength, the day has gone past;
give grace, to lead a pure life,
  In a weak nature still.

Under thy own protection
  I will give sleep to my eye;
Let me in the morning rise purely,
  To remember thy stroke and thy love.

May there be, against all the tenants
    of black hell
  An angelic host watching me;
Until the glory of the world's Redeemer
  O tender second-world dawn!
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion
      Song 25 - a Morning Song

1. My God, who makes the sun to know
     His proper hour to rise;
   And to give light to all below,
     Doth send him round the skies!

2. When from the chambers of the East
     His morning race begins,
   He never tires, nor stops to rest,
     But round the world he shines;

3. So, like the sun, would I fulfil
     The business of the day:
   Begin my work betimes, and still
     March on my heav'nly way.

4. Give me, O Lord, thy early grace,
     Nor let my soul complain
   That the young morning of my days
     Has all been spent in vain!

      Song 26 - An Evening Song

1 And now another day is gone,
    I'll sing my Maker's praise;
  My comforts ev'ry hour make known
    His providence and grace.

2 But how my childhood runs to waste!
    My sins, how great their sum!
  Lord, give me pardon for the past,
    And strength for days to come.

3. I lay my body down to sleep,
     Let angels guard my head;
   And through the hours of darkness keep
     Their watch around my bed.

4. With cheerful heart
       I close my eyes,
     Since thou wilt not remove;
   And in the morning let me rise
     Rejoicing in thy love. 
Isaac Watts 1674-1748

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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