Yr hen gyfammod hwnw

Yr hen gyfammod hwnw
  Am bwrcas dynolryw,
Cyfamod newydd bywiol
  Yn awr ei enw yw;
Lle mae'r holl addewidion
  Yn cael eu cadw ynghyd,
Ac wedi'u tyngu'n sicr
  Cyn gosod
      sylfen byd.

A thyma un o'r enwau
  Dymunol, arno gawn,
Ei roi'n Gyfammod pobloedd,
  A ieithoedd lawer iawn:
Goleuni i'r cenedloedd,
  I feibion Adda'i gyd,
A iechydwriaeth lawen
  I gyrau pella'r byd.

Wel dyma'r pryd y rhoddwyd
  Y cyfan yn ei law,
Y fu, y sy', neu etto
  Hyd ddiwedd byd a ddaw:
A thyna'r pryd addawodd
  Ef gynta' roddi'i waed,
A thalu lawr bob iota
  Am bechod du i'w Dad.

Ac yno tyngwyd Iesu
  Yn Archoffeiriad mawr,
I wneuthur aberth cymmod
  Troseddwyr ar y llawr;
Y Tad ei hun a'i tyngodd,
  "Offeiriad wyt i mi,
Ac ni bydd 'difa genyf
  Byth bythol d'osod di."

I'w lān sancteiddrwydd tyngodd, -
  'Doedd priodoledd fwy
Ymhlith y rhai a feddai,
  Er amled oeddynt hwy;
A llw yw fyth nas torir,
  Pe bai i'r nefoedd wen
I losgi fil o weithiau
  Yn wenfflam uwch ein pen.
William Williams 1717-91
Golwg ar deyrnas Crist 1756

[Mesur: 7676D]

That old covenant
  About the purpose of humankind,
A new, living covenant
  Now is its name;
Where all the promises
  Get kept together,
And have been sworn securely
  Before the placing
      of the world's foundation.

And here is one of the desirable
  Names, upon it we have,
Giving it as a Covenant of peoples,
  With very many languages:
A light to the nations,
  To all the sons of Adam,
And cheerful salvation
  To the distant corners of the world.

See here the the time that is given
  The whole in his hand,
Which was, which is, or yet
  Until the end of the world to come:
And there is the time he promised
  When he first gave his blood,
And paid down every jot
  For black sin to his Father.

And there Jesus was sworn
  As a great High Priest,
To make the sacrifice of reconciliation
  Of transgressors on the earth;
The Father himself has sworn it,
  "A Priest art thou to me,
And I shall have no end
  Forever and ever to appointing thee."

To the pure holiness he swore, -
  There was no more condition
Amongst those who would speak,
  Despite how many they were;
And an oath is never to be broken,
  If the bright heavens should
Burn a thousand times
  As a conflagration above our heads.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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