Yr Iesu oedd a'i drigfan erioed yn mynwes Duw

Yr Iesu oedd a'i drigfan
    erioed yn mynwes Duw,
A ddaeth o'r nef ei hunan,
    yn achos dynolryw:
  Bu'n dyoddef dan yr hoelion,
      mae'n awr ar orsedd nef;
  Fe waedodd i farwolaeth;
      gogoniant iddo ef.

Er syrthio y gronyn gwenith,
    a hauwyd yn y tir,
Fe welir cnwd yn tyfu
    o hono cyn bo hir:
  Ac oni b'sai ei farw
      ni buasa obaith byw,
  I enaid un pechadur
      o aflan ddynolryw.

Fe ddarostyngodd Iesu
    ei enaid sanctaidd cun;
Fe roes ei gorph i'w hoelio,
    gan waith ei dwylaw ei hun:
  Ein natur ni gymerodd,
      yn ddyn yr aeth i'r bedd;
  Ond Alpha Omega ydoedd,
      er tloted oedd ei wedd.
Trysorfa Ysbrydol 1799

Thomas Charles 1755-1814
Thomas Jones 1756-1820


Jesus had his dwelling
    always in God's bosom,
Who came from heaven himself,
    in the cause of humankind:
  He suffered under the nails,
      he is now on heaven's throne;
  He bled to death;
      glory to him.

Although the grain of wheat fell,
    which was sown in the land,
A crop is to be seen growing
    because of it before long:
  And unless he had died
      we would have no hope of living,
  For the soul of any sinner
      from unclean humankind.

Jesus humbled
    his dear, holy soul;
He gave his body to be nailed,
    by the work of his own hands:
  Our nature he took,
      as man he went to the grave;
  But Alpha Omega he was,
      despite how poor was his appearance.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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