Yr ochr draw i'r bedd

(Bod gyda Crist)
  Yr ochr draw i'r bedd,
  Y saint fydd ar ei wedd:
    Hwy gânt i gyd
  Fwynhau ei hyfryd hedd;
A'u holl ganiadau yn gytûn
Fydd byth am
      gariad Tri yn Un,
  Ac am dragwyddol arfaeth, 
Yn iachawdwriaeth dyn!

  Mae tyrfa fawr, heb ri',
  Fu ar ein daear ni,
    Dan lawer loes,
  A llid, a chroes, a chri,
Yn awr mewn bywyd, hyfryd hoen,
Ger bron gorseddfainc Duw a'r Oen
  Heb deimlo mwy flinderau,
Effeithiau llid a phoen!

  Fe dderfydd dwyn y groes
  Yn lân, a phob rhyw loes;
    Cawn adaw'r byd,
  A'r adfyd - bèr yw'r oes:
Bydd Seion wych mewn siriol wawr,
'Nol codi o'r llwch,
      a gado'r llawr
  Ar ddysglaer wedd ei Phriod,
Yn moli'r Duwdod mawr!
 1 : Siarl Mark 1720-95
2-3: Grawnsypiau Canaan 1795

Tonau [6646.8876]:
Noddfa (Johann G Ebeling 1637-76)
Trefdeyrn (alaw Gymreig)

  I Ddafydd llawenhawn
  Mae llais y durtur fwyn
  Mae tyrfa fawr heb ri
  Mae udgorn Jubili

(Being with Christ)
  On the far side of the grave,
  The saints shall be in his likeness:
    They shall all get
  To enjoy his delightful peace;
And all their songs in agreement
Shall be forever about
      the love of Three in One,
  And about an eternal purpose
In saving man!

  There is a great throng, without number,
  That were on our earth,
    Under many a pang,
  And wrath, and cross, and cry,
Now in life, delightfully lively,
Before the throne of God and the Lamb
  Feeling no more griefs,
The effects of wrath and pain!

  Bearing the cross shall cease
  Completely, and every kind of anguish;
    We shall get to leave the world,
  And the adversity - short is the age:
Zion shall be brilliant in a cheerful dawn,
After rising from the dust,
      and leaving the ground
  In the brilliant likeness of her Spouse,
Praising the great Trinity!
tr. 2023 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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