Yr Oen a laddwyd teilwng yw

"Teilwng yw yr Oen yr hwn a laddwyd, i dderbyn
gallu, a chyfoeth, a doethineb, a chadernid, ac
anrhydedd, a gogoniant, a bendith." Dat. v. 12.
Yr Oen a laddwyd teilwng yw
O wresog barch pob enaid byw;
  Fe haedda'r gân,
      fe haedda'r mawl,
  A phob anrhydedd byth heb dawl.

Ei waed a gollodd drosom ni, -
Boed iddo'r clod,
    boed iddo'r bri;
  Y fendith oll yn llwyr, yn llawn,
  Rhown iddo ef hyd 
      eitha'n dawn.

Y gallu a'r gogoniant byth
Boed iddo ef mewn cerdd ddi lyth, -
  Cydseinied nef a daear faith
  Ei glodydd pêr mewn melus iaith.

Y greadigaeth helaeth fawr,
Ym mhell i fynu, 'mhell i lawr,
  Cyduned trwyddi oll yn lân
  I'w enw ef i godi 'r gân:

A theilwng yw, - ei hunan rhoes
Dros ddyn yn aberth ar y groes:
  Yr awron dyrchafedig yw,
  Yn eistedd ar ddeheulaw Duw.
Daniel Evans (Daniel Ddu o Geredigion) 1792-1846
Gwinllan y Bardd 1831

[Mesur: MH 8888]

"Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, to receive
power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and
honour, and glory, and blessing." Rev. 5:12.
The Lamb who was slain is worthy
Of the warm reverence of every living soul;
  He deserves the song,
      he deserves the praise,
  And every honour forever without ceasing.

His blood he shed for us, -
To him be the acclaim,
    to him be the renown.
  All the blessing entirely, fully,
  Let us give to him to the
      utmost of our talent.

The power and the glory forever
Be unto him in an unfailing poem, -
  Let heaven and vast earth sound together
  His fragrant praises in a sweet language.

The great, vast creation,
Far up, far down,
  Let all unite throughout it completely
  To his name to raise the song:

And worthy is he, - he himself he gave
For man as a sacrifice on the cross:
  Now exalted is he,
  Sitting at the right hand of God.
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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