Yr Oen a laddwyd ydyw rhan

(Melysder cyfeillach Crist)
Yr Oen a laddwyd ydyw rhan,
A holl hyfrydwch f'enaid gwan!
  'Fu neb o feibion Adda erioed
  A rhwymau mwy i ganu ei glod.

Ni phrofais ddim o tan y nef
Mor felys a'i gyfeillach Ef;
  Pe chwilid,
      ni chaid dim i maes,
  Trwy'r nefoedd fry,
      bereiddiach blas.

Rhagori ar ddeng-mil
    mae ei wedd,
'Rwy'n llawn foddloni ar ei hedd;
  Ni cheisiaf bleser tan y nef
  Ond digon o'i gyfeillach Ef.

Ei ganmawl bellach wnaf o hyd,
Er maint o boenau sy'n y byd;
  Dechreuais gân a bery'n hwy
  Nag y cair diwedd arni mwy.

              - - - - -

Yr Oen a laddwyd ydyw rhan,
A holl hyfrydwch f'enaid gwan;
  Fy Mrawd a 'Mhriod
      fydd ef mwy
  Yn mhob cyfyngder elwyf trwy.

A doed hi arnaf fel y dêl,
Ymffrostiaf ynddo byth heb gêl;
  Fu neb o feibion Adda erioed
  A rhwymau mwy i ganu ei glod.

Pwy o honoch chwi, gerubiaid pur,
Seraphiaid ac angylion gwir,
  A gafodd y fath fraint a mi
  Trwy angeu'r Iesu ar Galfari?

Wel, bernwch, chwithau seintiau 'gyd,
Sy'n teithio tua'r nefol fyd:
  Mi'r dua' oll; ond 'nyled yw
  Moliannu mwy ar f'anwyl Dduw.

O barna, dithau ddaiar faith,
Sy'n dal cenhedloedd o bob iaith,
  Neb arnat' fu, neu arnat' sy'
  Mwy rhwym i ddiolch na myfi?

Pe agorai'r Iesu uffern goll,
A roddi i'r ellyllon oll
  Ryw jubil faith, heb boenau mwy,
  Byddai arnai diolch fel hwynthwy.

              - - - - -

Yr Oen a laddwyd ydyw rhan,
A holl hyfrydwch f'enaid gwan;
  Cael huno yn ei gariad drud,
  Sydd fil o weithiau'n well na'r byd.

Anturio wnaf at orsedd nef,
Mae'm holl ymddiried ynddo ef;
  Mae'r ffordd yn rhydd,
      mae'r rhodd yn rhad,
  I'r sawl a gredo yn y gwaed.

Annrhaethol felus yw dy hedd,
A'th gariad sydd yn hyfryd wledd:
  Cael prawf o'i flas
      ddymunaf mwy,
  Nes llwyr iachâu fy nwfn glwy'.
William Williams 1717-91

Tôn [MH 8888]:
Berwick / Emyn Foreuol (Thomas Tallis 1505-85)
Boston (Lowell Mason 1792-1872)
Emyn Foreuol (Thomas Tallis 1505-85)

  Dyma gyfarfod hyfryd iawn
  Fy Iesu Pen-tywysog nef
  Gweddio 'rwyf och'neidio yn brudd
  'Rwy'n dewis Iesu a'i farwol glwy'
  Yn fynych fynych Iesu cu

(The sweetness of the friendship of Christ)
The Lamb who was slain is the portion,
And all the delight of my weak soul!
  None of the sons of Adam ever had
  Greater bonds to sing his acclaim.

I experienced nothing under heaven
So sweet as His friendship;
  If it were sought,
      nothing would be found,
  Throughout heaven above,
      with a sweeter taste.

Superior to ten-thousand
    is his countenance,
I am fully satisfied with his peace;
  I shall seek no pleasure under heaven
  But sufficient of His friendship.

Praise him henceforth I shall always,
Despite how many pains are in the world;
  I began a song that shall endure long
  Nor shall any end ever be found to it.

                - - - - -

The Lamb who was slain is the portion,
And all the delight of my weak soul;
  My Brother and my Spouse
      he shall be evermore
  In every strait I go through.

And come it upon me as it may,
I shall boast in him forever without a lie;
  None of the sons of Adam ever had
  Greater bonds to sing his acclaim.

Who of you, pure cherubim,
Seraphim and true angels,
  Got such a privilege as I
  Through the death of Jesus on Calvary?

See, judge, all ye saints,
Who travel towards the heavenly world:
  I the blackest of all; but is not my duty
  To praise evermore my beloved God?

O judge, thou vast earth,
That holds the nations of every language,
  On thee was not, nor on thee is
  A greater bond to thank than upon me?

If Jesus should open lost hell,
And grant to all the demons
  Some vast jubilee, with no more pains,
  I would have to give thanks like they.

                 - - - - -

The Lamb who was slain is the portion,
And all the delight of my weak soul;
  To get to sleep in his precious love,
  Is a thousand times better than the world.

Venture I shall to the throne of heaven,
All my trust is in him;
  The way is open, the gift is free,
  To those who believe in the blood.

Unutterably sweet is thy peace,
And thy love is a delightful feast:
  To get an experience of its taste
      I wish for evermore,
  Until completely healing my deep wound.
tr. 2019,20 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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