Ysbryd graslon rho i mi

Gracious Spirit dwell with me

(Ysbryd pob Gras)
Ysbryd graslon, rho i mi
Fod yn raslon fel tydi;
  Dysg im siarad yn dy iaith,
  Boed dy ddelw ar fy ngwaith;
Gwna i holl addfwynder f'oes
Ddweud wrth eraill werth y groes.

Ysbryd geirwir, rho i mi
Fod yn eirwir fel tydi;
  Trwy'r ddoethineb oddi fry
  Gwna fi'n dirion ac yn gry';
Gwna fi'n frawd i'r gwan a'r trist
Er mwyn dangos Iesu Grist.

Ysbryd tawel, rho i mi
Fod yn dawel fel tydi;
  Distaw, fel eginyn îr
  Gyfyd trwy briddellau'r tir;
Distaw, fel y boreu gwyn
Yn gwasgaru niwl y glyn.

Ysbryd grymus, rho i mi
Fod yn rymus fel tydi;
  Dysg im goncro lle mae dyn
  Yn rhy egwan wrtho'i hun;
Yn dy obaith cynnal fi
Drwy beryglon tân a lli.

Ysbryd Sanctaidd, rho i mi
Fod yn sanctaidd fel tydi;
  Ynof pob rhyw ras cryfha,
  Dysg im fyw i bethau da;
Ac i'r Duw a'th roddodd di,
Ysbryd perffaith, canaf fi.
fel tydi :: fel rwyt ti

cyf. Howell Elvet Lewis (Elfed) 1860-1953

Tonau [77.77.77]:
Bro Eleri (W Llewelyn Edwards 1908-2000)
Cassel (Johann Thommen 1711-83)
Llanarth (Johann Crüger 1595-1662)
Wells New (Dmitri Bortnianski 1851-1825)

(The Spirit of all Grace)
Gracious Spirit, grant me
To be gracious like thee;
  Teach me to speak in thy language,
  May thy image be upon my work;
Make all the meekness of my lifespan
Tell others the worth of the cross.

Truthful Spirit, grant me
To be truthful like thee;
  Through the truth from above
  Make me gentle and strong;
Make me a borth to the weak and the sad
In order to show Jesus Christ.

Quiet Spirit, grant me
To be quiet like thee;
  Silent, like the fresh shoot
  That rises through the land's soils;
Quiet, like the bright morning
Dispersing the fog of the vale.

Powerful Spirit, grant me
To be powerful like thee;
  Teach me to conquer where man is
  Too weak by himself;
In thy hope uphold me
Through dangers of fire and flood.

Holy Spirit, grant me
To be holy like thee;
  In me every kind of grace strengthen,
  Teach me to life for good things;
And to the God who gavest thee,
Perfect Spirit, I shall sing.
like thee :: as thou art

tr. 2024 Richard B Gillion

Gracious Spirit, dwell with me;
I myself would gracious be;
  And with words that help and heal
  would thy life in mine reveal;
And with actions bold and meek
Would for Christ my Savior speak.

Truthful Spirit, dwell with me;
I myself would truthful be;
  And with wisdom kind and clear
  Let thy life in mine appear;
And with actions brotherly
Speak my Lord's sincerity.

Quiet Spirit, dwell with me;
I myself would quiet be,
  Quiet as the growing blade
  Which through earth its way hath made:
Gentle as the morning light, 
Putting mists and chills to flight.

Mighty Spirit, dwell with me;
I myself would mighty be,
  Mighty so as to prevail
  Where unaided man must fail;
Ever by a mighty hope
Pressing on and bearing up.

Holy Spirit, dwell with me;
I myself would holy be;
  Separate from sin, I would
  Choose and cherish all things good,
And whatever I can be
Give to him who gave me thee!

1855 Thomas Toke Lynch 1818-71

Tunes [77.77.77]:
Cassel (Johann Thommen 1711-83)
Jesu Jesu Du Mein Hirt (Paul Heinlein 1626-86)
Paraclete (E R Barker 1829-1916)
Redhead (Richard Redhead 1820-1901)
St Hilda (J H Knecht / E Husband)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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