Ysbryd Sanctaidd y gwirionedd

("Mae'r Yspryd yn cynnorthwyo ein gwendid ni."
Rhuf. viii. 26.)
Ysbryd Sanctaidd y gwirionedd,
  Disgyn arnom oddi fry;
Tyrd yn nerth dy ddylanwadau,
  Pura ein calonnau ni;
    Ein Diddanydd
  Ydwyt ar y ffordd i'r nef.

Llewyrch ydwyt mewn tywllwch,
  Cysur mewn gofidiau blin;
Nerth nid oes na gwir sancteiddrwydd,
  Ond oddiwrthyt Ti dy hun:
  Ni â'th ras i ddwyn y groes.

Ti yw'r "Arglwydd a'r Bywiawdwr,"
  Hebot cyfeiliorni wnawn;
Cynnal ein cerddediad beunydd
  Yma â'th gysuron llawn,
    Nes cyrhaeddom
  Wynfyd na ddiflanna byth.
Casgliad o Psalmau a Hymnau (SPCK) 1861

Tonau [878747]:
Mannheim (Friedrich Filitz 1804-76)
Newbury (Christoph W Gluck 1714-87)
Pilgrimage (George J Elvey 1816-93)

("The Spirit is helping our weakness."
Rom. 8:26.)
Holy Spirit of the truth,
  Descend upon us from above;
Come in the strength of thy influences,
  Purify our hearts;
    Our Comforter
  Thou art on the way to heaven.

Radiance thou art in darkness,
  Comfort in grievous sorrows;
There is no strength or true sacredness,
  Except from thee thyself:
  Us with thy grace to bear the cross.

Thou art the "Lord and the Giver of life,"
  Without thee we wander astray;
Help our daily walk
  Here with thy full comforts,
    Until we arrive at
  The blessedness that shall never vanish.
tr. 2023 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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