Y Tad a'r Mab a'r Ysbryd Glân (Duw hunan-ymddibynol)
Y Tad y Mab yr Ysbryd Glân (Duw hunan-ymddibynol)

1,2,3,4,5,6;  1,2,4.
(Priodoliaethau y Duwdod)
Y Tad, y Mab, yr Ysbryd Glân,
  Duw hunan-ymddibynol;
Crëawdwr nefoedd, tir, a môr,
  Hwn yw fy Ior anfarwol!

Mae'n holl-bresennol yn mhob man,
  Yn llenwi anfeidroldeb;
Fel uchder nef,
    mae dyfnder tòn
  Yn noeth ger bron ei wyneb.

Efe sy'n llywio dyfnder lli'
  Dw'r heli, a daearolion;
Llu serog chwyrn,
    llu'r collffyrn cas,
  Is ardal gras,
      sy'n greision!

Duw Hollalluog ar bob llaw,
 I'w filwr daw gorfoledd;
Caiff Holl-wybodol, berffaith Fôd,
  Is, uwch y rhod anrhydedd.

Mae'n Dduw trugarog at y gwan,
  Mae'n Awdwr annewidiol;
Duw sanctaidd, ffyddlawn, cyfiawn cair,
  Cyflawnai'i air yn wrol.

Mae ef yn darian, mae fe'n dŵr;
  Iachawdwr rhag pechodau;
Nid oes ar ddaear neb rhyw ddyn
  Yn haeddu'r un o'r enwau.
y Mab, yr :: a'r Mab, a'r

efel. David Thomas (Dafydd Ddu o Eryri) 1759-1822
Corph y Gaingc 1810
Caniadau Duwiol i Ieuenctid Cymru

Tôn [MS 8787]: Rhuthyn (B M Williams 1832-1903)

(The Attributes of the Godhead)
The Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit,
  Self-dependent God;
Creator of heaven, land, and sea,
  He is my immortal Lord!

He is all-present in every place,
  Filling infinity;
Like the height of heaven,
    the depth of the wave is
  Bare before his face.

It is he who steers the depth of the flood
  Of salt water, and terrestrial ones;
A whirling starry host,
    and the host of hateful hell-fires,
  Below the region of grace,
      which are scorched!

God Almighty on every hand,
  To his soldiers comes jubilation;
The All-knowing, perfect Being will get
  Honour below, above the sky.

He is a merciful God to the weak,
  He is an unchanging Author;
Holy, faithful, righteous God, to be found
  Fulfilling his word valliantly.

He is a shield, he is water;
  Saviour from sins;
There is no man on earth
  Deserving one of the names.
the Son, the :: and the Son, and the

tr. 2010 Richard B Gillion



Isaac Watts 1674-1748

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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