Ymddiried wnaf yn Nuw

(Ymddiried yn Nuw)
  Ymddiried wnaf yn Nuw
    Er dued ydyw’r nos;
  Daw ei addewid ef
    Fel golau seren dlos:
Mae nos a Duw yn llawer gwell
Na golau ddydd a Duw ymhell.

  Ymddiried wnaf yn Nuw
    Er trymed ydyw’r groes;
  Er cael fy llethu bron
    Gan ing a chwerw loes:
Caf nerth gan Dduw o ddydd i ddydd
I gario'r groes yng nghymorth ffydd.

  Ymddiried wnaf yn Nuw
    Ar lwybrau blin a serth;
  Yn anawsterau'r ffordd
    Daw imi fwy o nerth:
Caf gwmni’r plant
      drwy'r anial maith
A chroeso'r Tad
      ar ben y daith.
George Penrith Thomas (Penrith) 1854-1952

Tonau [666688]:
Bryn Moreia (John Davies 1787-1855)
Darwall (John Darwall 1731-89)
Maelor (John Hughes 1896-1968)

(Trusting in God)
  Trust I shall in God
    Despite how black is the night;
  His promise shall come
    Like the light of a pretty star:
The night shall become much better
Than the light of day with God far off.

  Trust I shall in God
    Despite how heavy is the cross;
  Despite getting almost overwhelmed
    By agony and bitter anguish:
I hve strength from God from day to day
To carry the cross in the help of faith.

  Trust I shall in God
    On the paths wearying and steep;
  In the difficulties of the way
    To me shall come more of strength:
I have the company of the children
      through the vast desert
And the Father's welcome
      at the journey's end.
tr. 2023 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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