Ymweled, Arglwydd, yr wyt Ti A'n daear ni'n rasusol; Dyfrhau yr wyt ei mynwes wyw Ag afon Duw'n fendithiol. Mae'th afon lawn o ddwfr a'i rhin, Yn cyfoethogi'n daear; Yr wyt, âg ŷd, mewn grasol drefn, Yn llenwi cefn a thalar. Dyfrhau yr ydwyt rychau hon, A mwydo'i sychion gefnau; Diodi hi â'th gafod flith, Rho'i fendith ar ei chnydau. Coroni'r wyt y flwyddyn gron, A'th hael fendithion beunydd; Difera'th lwybrau'r gwlaw a'r gwlith Yn frasder blith i'r meusydd. Gwisgir â defaid ddol a bryn, Pob pant a dyffryn hwythau Guddir âg ŷd, a bloeddio wnant, A chanant am eu ffrwythau. I'r Tad, ar Mab, a'r Yspryd Glan, Dyrchafer cân clodfoedd; Fel gynt yr oedd, y mae'n ddi-lyth, A phery byth heb ddiwedd.Morris Williams (Nicander) 1809-74 Tôn [MS 8787]: Ceridwen (<1962) |
Visiting, Lord, art thou Our earth graciously; Watering art thou its worthy bosom With the beneficient river of God. Thy river is full of water and its merit, Enriching the earth; Thou art, with corn, in a gracious scheme, Filling ridge and boundary. Watering thou art its furrows, And moistening its dry ridges; Giving it drink with thy nourishing shower Giving thy blessing on its crops. Crowning thou art the round year, With thy generous, daily blessings; Drip thy paths of the rain and the dew As fat nourishment to the fields. The sheep of meadow and hill are dressed, Every one of their hollows and hills Are covered with corn, and they shout, And they sing about their fruits. To the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, May a song of extolling be lifted up; At once it was, it is unfailingly, And endures forever without end.tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion |