Ysbryd/Yspryd Glān Golomen nef

(Erfyniad am yr Ysbryd)
Ysbryd Glān, Golomen nef,
Gwrando'n rasol ar ein llef; 
  Aethom yn wywedig iawn,
  Disgyn yn dy ddwyfol ddawn.

Oer ein serch, a gwan ein ffydd,
Ein Hosanna'n ddistaw sydd;
  Tyred, tyred, Ysbryd Glān,
  Chwyth o'n mewn y nefol dān.

Er na haeddwn ni dy gael,
Eto Ti wyt Ysbryd hael,
  Tyred, tyred yn dy ras,
  Maedda'n hangrhediniaeth cas.

Tyred fwyn Golomen nef,
Co'd ni ar dy aden gref;
  Nes yr elom uwch y byd
  Mewn sancteiddiol nefol fryd.

Boed gogoniant fyth i'r Tad,
Boed gogoniant i'r Mab rhad,
  Moliant boed i'r Ysbryd Glān
  Byth tra b'o na chwyth na chun.
ar ein llef :: gŷyn ein llef
dy ddwyfol :: dy fywiol
Ein Hosanna :: A'n Hosanna
Tyred, tyred Ysbryd :: Brysia, tyred Ysbryd
ddistaw :: ddystaw
Chwyth o'n mewn y :: Ennyn ynom
hangrhediniaeth :: hanghrediniaeth
Tyred fwyn :: Ysbryd Glān,
Co'd :: Cod
elom :: awn ni

Roger Edwards 1811-86

Tonau [7777]:
Aberafon (J H Roberts 1848-1924)
Glanmagwr (W Evans [Alaw Afan] 1836-1900)
Heinlein (Martin Herbst 1654-81)
Hoole (< 1875)
Lake Crystal / Nottingham
    (C Zulehner / W A Mozart 1756-91)
St Dunstan (R Redhead 1820-1901)
  Sarratt (Timothy R Matthews 1826-1910)

(Entreaty for the Spirit)
Holy Spirit, Dove of heaven,
Listen graciously to our cry;
  We went very withered,
  Descend in thy divine gift.

Cold our affection, and weak our faith,
Our Hosanna is silent;
  Come, come Holy Spirit,
  Breathe into us the heaven fire.

Although we do not deserve to receive thee,
Still Thou art a generous Spirit,
  Come, come in thy grace
  Strike our hateful unbelief.

Come gentle Dove of heaven,
Lift us on thy strong wing;
  Until we go above the world
  In a holy, heavenly mind.

Let glory be forever to the Father,
Let glory be to the gracious Son,
  Let praise be to the Holy Spirit
  Ever while there is breath or song.
Listen to our cry :: Hear the plea of our cry
thy heavenly :: thy lively
Our Hosanna :: And our Hosanna
Come, come ... Spirit :: Hurry, come ... Spirit
Breathe into us the :: Kindle in us
Come gentle :: Holy Spirit,

tr. 2010 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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