Ystormydd temtasiynau sy

(Y Rhai sydd ar y Môr)
Ystormydd temtasiynau sy
  Yn curo f'enaid gwan i lawr;
Rhag ymchwydd tonnau llygredd cry,
  Rhag boddi yn y dyfnder mawr:
Tydi, Orchfgwr cnawd a byd,
Rho help Dy law,
    rho'th gysgod clyd.

Fy meddwl sydd ar donnog li'
  Pryderon llawn o ofn dihedd;
Amheuaeth fel drychiolaeth sy,
  A dychryn lond ei marwol wedd;
Tydi'r Gwirionedd, Iesu cu,
Tyrd ataf i'm cysuro i.

Blinderog gan ofidiau wyf,
  A llwythog gan orthrymder prudd;
Ac ofni marw rydd im glwyf,
  Nes gwaedu'r fynwes nos a dydd:
Gad im fwynhau'th dangnefedd Di, -
I'r bywyd, Iesu, arwain fi!
David Adams (Hawen) 1845-1922

Tonau [88.88.88]:
Melita (J B Dykes 1823-76)
Stella (alaw Seisnig)

(Those who are on the Sea)
The storms of temptations are
  Beating my weak soul down;
From corruption's waves' strong swell,
  From drowning in the great deep:
Thou, Conqueror of flesh and world,
Give the help of thy hand,
    give thy cosy shelter.

My though is on the billowing flow
  Of concerns full of fear without peace;
Doubt is like a horror.
  And terror full of its
      deathly countenance;
Thou the Truth, dear Jesus,
Come to me to comfort me.

Wearied by griefs I am,
  And burdened by sad oppression;
And the fear of death gives me a wound,
  Until the breast bleeds night and day:
"Let me enjoy thy tranquility, -
To the life, Jesus, lead me!"
tr. 2024 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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