Y mae bywyd trwy edrych ar Aberth y groes

There is life for a look at the crucified One

Y mae bywyd trwy edrych
    ar Aberth y groes,
  Oes, mae bywyd yr awrhon i ti;
Yna edrych ar Iesu yn awr,
    a bydd fyw,
  Gwel e'n marw ar ben Calfari.

    Edrych, edrych, a bydd fyw!
    Y mae bywyd trwy edrych
        ar Aberth y groes,
    Oes, mae bywyd yr awrhon i ti.

Pam bu farw dan hoelion
    rhwng lladron o'i fodd,
  Os nad ydoedd i glirio dy fai?
Pam y rhedodd o'i ystlys ef
    dwfwr a gwaed,
  Os nad ydyw i'th hollol lanhau?

Pam dioddefodd efe yn dy le
    y fath boen? -
  Ar y groes rhoes ei fywyd i lawr?
Pam y drylliwyd y Meichiau -
    y clwyfwyd Mab Duw,
  Ond i dalu dy ddyled oedd fawr?

Nid dy ddagrau, na'th alar,
    nid gweddi na gwaith,
  Ond y gwaed dros dy enaid
      wna Iawn;
Arno ef a'i tywalltodd,
    O dyro dy bwys,
  Rhifa arno dy feiau yn llawn.

Nac amheua, cei'th gadw,
    yn Iesu mae Duw
  Yn cyhoeddi y cymod yn rhad;
Nid wy'n gofyn dim genyt
    ond credu a byw;
  Fe orphenwyd -
      gorphenwyd tryw'y gwaed.

Yna derbyn ar unwaith dy fywyd yn rhad;
  Creda ynddo - dy Geidwad di yw:
Ni chaiff angeu nac uffen
    dy ddrygu di byth,
  Am fod Iesu dy Brynwr yn fyw.
cyf. John Roberts (Ieuan Gwyllt) 1822-77

Tôn: Y Mae Bywyd trwy Edych / There is Life for a Look
    (1860 Edward G Taylor 1784-1863)

There is life through looking
    on the Sacrifice of the cross,
  Yes, there is life this hour for thee;
Then look on Jesus now,
    and be alive,
  See him dying on the summit of Calvary.

    Look, look, and be alive!
    There is life through looking
        at the Sacrifice of the cross,
    Yes, there is life this hour for thee.

Why did he die under the nails
    between two thieves voluntarily,
  If it was not to clear thy fault?
Why did water and blood flow
    from his side,
  If it is not to cleanse thee completely?

Why did he suffer in thy place
    such pain? -
  On the cross lay down his life?
Why was the Surety crushed -
    the Son of God wounded?
  But to pay thy debt which was great?

Not thy tears, not thy mourning,
    not prayer nor work,
  But the blood for thy soul
      made a Satisfaction;
Upon him who was poured out,
    oh, lean thy weight,
  Upon him will be counted thy faults fully.

Do not doubt, thou wilt get kept,
    in Jesus God is
  Publishing the reconciliation freely;
I will not ask anything of thee
    but to believe and live;
  It was finished -
      finished through the blood.

Then receive at once thy life freely;
  Believe in him - thy Saviour is he:
Neither death nor hell will get
    to harm thee ever,
  Because Jesus thy Redeemer is alive.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion
There is life for a look
    at the crucified One,
  There is life at this moment for thee;
Then look, sinner, look unto Him
    and be saved,
  Unto Him who was nailed to the tree.

    Look! look! look and live!
    There is life for a look
        at the crucified One,
    There is life at this moment for thee.

Oh, why was He there
    as the bearer of sin,
  If on Jesus thy guilt was not laid?
Oh, why from His side
    flowed the sin-cleansing blood,
  If His dying thy debt has not paid?

It is not thy tears
    of repentance or prayers,
  But the blood, that atones
      for the soul;
On Him, then, who shed it,
    thou mayest at once
  Thy weight of iniquities roll.

Then doubt not thy welcome,
    since God has declared
  There remaineth no more to be done;
That once in the end of the world
    He appeared,
  And completed
      the work He begun.

Then take with rejoicing from Jesus at once
  The life everlasting He gives;
And know with assurance
    thou never canst die,
  Since Jesus, thy righteousness, lives.
Amelia M Hull 1812-84
Pleasant Hymns for Boys and Girls 1860

Tune: There Is Life for a Look
    (1860 Edward G Taylor 1784-1863)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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