Y mae cyfammod hynod hedd

(Cadernid Cyfammod Duw)
Y mae cyfammod hynod hedd,
A ddeil trwy'r byd,
    trwy angeu a'r bedd,
Heb gyfnewidiad yn ei wedd
  Nes myn'd i'r wledd yn lân;
Rhwng Tri yn Un draw'n mhell fe'i gwnaed,
Ar seiliau gwych, a'i selio â gwaed,
I godi'r truain ar eu traed, -
  O! cyfod, f'enaid, cân.

Cyfammod bendigedig yw,
Un hollol râd i ddynolryw, -
Cael mewn addewid i ni'n Dduw
  Yr Arglwydd Dduw, 'i hun,
Yr hwn a wnaeth y tir a'r môr,
Ei enw Ef yw Arglwydd Iôr;
Ei 'wyllys da a'i holl ystôr,
  Yn d'od yn eiddo' dyn.
Edward Jones 1761-1836
Caniadau Maes y Plwm 1857

[Mesur: 8886.8886]

(The Firmness of God's Covenant)
There is a notable covenant of peace,
Which shall hold through the world,
    through death and the grave,
Without a change in its condition
  Until going to the feast whole;
Between Three in One far yonder it was made,
On wonderful bases, and established with blood,
To raise the wretches on their feet, -
  Oh, arise, my soul, sing!

A blessed covenant it is,
One completely free to humankind, -
To get in a promise to us as God
  The Lord God, himself,
He who made the land and the sea,
His own name is Sovereign Lord;
His good will and all his store,
  Becoming the possession of man.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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