Y mae gorphwysfa eto'n ol Yn aros pobol Dduw, O gyrraedd temtasiynau ffol, A drygau o bob rhyw: Gorphwysfa glyd, gorphwysfa glyd, Ymhell o swn terfysgoedd byd. Y mae gorphwysfa eto'n ol, Gorphwysfa fyth, ar fron Yr Iesu gwiw - lle gwelir ôl Y finiog waw ffon. Gorphwysfa ddrud, gorphwysfa ddrud, Burcasodd gwaed Gwaredwr byd. Y mae gorphwysfa eto'n ol, Ar lannau'r dyfroedd byw; Mae'n haf heb anaf ar ei ol Yng ngoleu wyneb Duw. Gorphwysfa rad, gorphwysfa rad, I bawb o'r plant yn Nhŷ eu Tad.W Evans Jones (Penllyn) 1854–1938 Tôn [868688]: Gorphwysfa eto'n ol (D W Lewis) |
A rest still remains Awaiting the people of God, Out of the reach of foolish temptations, And evils of every kind: A cosy rest, a cosy rest, Far from the noise of the tumults of the world. A rest still remains, An everlasting rest, on the breast Of the worthy Jesus - where is to be seen the mark Of the sharp spear. A costly rest, a costly rest, The blood of the Deliverer of the world purchased. A rest still remains, On the banks of the living waters; It is summer without injury after it In the light of the face of God. A free rest, a free rest, To all of the children in their Father's House.tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion |