Y mae hapusrwydd pawb o'r byd

1,2,3,(4,(5));  1,2,4.
(Angeu'r Groes)
Y mae hapusrwydd pawb o'r byd
Yn gorphwys yn dy angeu drud;
  Hyfrydaf waith angylion fry
  Yw canu am fynydd Calfari.

O holl weithredoedd nef yn un,
Y benaf oll oedd prynu dyn;
  Rhyfeddod mwyaf o bob oes
  Yw'm Iesu yn marw ar y groes!

Wel, dyma'r trysor mwyaf drud,
Gwaed Iesu'n llif'o dros y byd!
  Fyth na foed ond ei farwol glwy'
  Yn sylfaen pob caniadau mwy.

Darfydded canmawl neb rhyw un,
Darfydded son am haeddiant dyn;
  Darfydded ymffrost o bob rhyw,
  'Does ymffrost
      ond yn ngwaed fy Nuw.

Ffarwel, ffarwel, gariadau'r byd,
Ffarwel, bleserau oll ynghyd,
  Ffarwel, yr harddaf,
    teca'i lun,
  Mae'r Iesu'n ddigon im' ei hun.
o bob oes :: yn mhob oes

William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MH 8888]:
Angel's Hymn/Song / Song 34
    (Orlando Gibbons 1583-1625)
Bryn Teg (John Ambrose Lloyd 1815-74)
Eden (Timothy Battelle Mason 1801-61)
Gwladys (J Glyndyrys Williams 1874- )
Kent (John Frederick Lampe 1703-51)
Llangynwyd (Samuel Davies 1855-1929)
Mainzer (Joseph Mainzer 1801-51)
Mamre (G F Handel 1685-1759)
Rockingham (E Miller 1731-1807)
Samson (Bristol Tune Book 1863)
Staincliffe (R W Dixon 1750-1825)
Winchester (Bartholomäus Crasselius 1667-1724)

Tôn [MH+88]: Langadog (<1811)

  Mae rhyw ddirgelwch llawer mwy
  O holl weithredoedd nef ei hun
  Wel dyma'r trysor mwyaf drud

(The Death of the Cross)
The happiness of everyone in the world is
Resting in the costly death;
  The most delightful work of angels above
  Is to sing about mount Calvary.

Of all the actions of heaven as one,
The chief of all was redeeming man;
  The greatest wonder of every age
  Is my Jesus dying on the cross!

See, here is the most costly treasure,
The blood of Jesus flowing for the world!
  May there never be by his mortal wound
  As a foundation of all songs any more.

Let the praise of any one at all vanish,
Let the mention of the merit of man vanish,
  Let boasting of every kind vanish,
  There is no boasting
      but in the blood of my God.

Farewell, farewell, loves of the world,
Farewell, pleasures altogether,
  Farewell, the most beautiful,
    fairest of appearance,
  Jesus himself is sufficient for me.
of every age :: in every age

tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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