Y mae trysorau dwyfol ras

1,2,3,4;  1,2,3,5;  1,2,4,5;  1,2,5,6.
(Nerth y Nef)
Y mae trysorau dwyfol ras
  O lawer uwch eu rhyw
Na dim, o'r nefoedd
    faith i'r byd,
  Erioed a greodd Duw.

Tra caffwyf yfed ar fy nhaith
  O'r ffynnon loyw glir,
Nid ofnaf ronyn,
    er eu grym,
  O ddrygau'r anial dir.

Er fod picelau tanllyd iawn
  Yn hedeg yn eu grym;
Yn erbyn cariad dwyfol pur
  Nis gallant drygu dim.

Ac mi ymffrostia'_yn
    nerth y nef -
  Yn nerth y nef ei hun;
Fe bwysa haeddiant dwyfol pur
  Fwy na phechodau dyn.

Anfeidrol ddwyfol gariad rhad,
  Yn unig yw fy ngrym;
Ac nid oes arall
    fyth a'm dal
  I deithio i'r bywyd ddim.

Myfi yn hollol ro'f fy mhwys
  Ar allu 'Mrenin mawr;
Yr hwn a'm nertha i fynd trwy
  Gystuddiau maith y llawr.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MC 8686]:
  Carrs Lane (<1835)
French (The CL Psalmes of David 1615)
Martyrdom (Hugh Wilson 1766-1824)
St Stephen (William Jones 1726-1800)

gwelir: Ffarwel greaduriaid gwych'u rhyw

(The Strength of Heaven)
There are treasures of divine grace
  Much higher in kind
Than any, from the vast
    heaven to the world,
  That ever God created.

While I get to drink on my journey
  From the bright, clear spring,
I will not fear a grain,
    despite their force,
  Of the evils of the desert land.

Although there are very fiery lances
  Flying in their force;
Against pure, divine love
  They can do no evil.

And I shall boast in
    the strength of heaven -
  In the strength of heaven itself;
Pure divine merit shall weigh
  More than the sins of man.

Immeasurable, divine, free love,
  Alone is my strength;
And there is nothing else
    shall ever keep me
  Travelling to the life at all.

I am wholly leaning
  On the power of my great King;
In him who strengthens me to go through
  The vast afflictions of earth below.
tr. 2016,21 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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